Sunday, October 1, 2023

Rain Rain Go Away

Last weekend Hubby and I were on babysitting duty while our daughter and her husband took a short vacation to celebrate their anniversary. It rained almost all day Saturday and Sunday. We had to be creative to keep our 1 year old granddaughter and the dog busy and use up their energy. We drove all the way home in rain also. Ugh!

The rain was awful this Friday. There was so very much rain that the subways and roads in NYC flooded. Some of that rain found its way into our basement. We were checking every 20 minutes or so as we sometimes get a little leakage. I went in the basement 10 minutes after the last check to get something out of the big freezer and saw all the water. It came in so fast.  Below is the small storage area near our burner. Thankfully, most of the boxes are stored on plastic shelving that lifts them a few inches above the floor. Only one cardboard box that was on the floor was damaged. 

The water seeped in by the back door that is at the bottom of an outdoor staircase. Hubby was picking up sopping wet towels. We used all of our scrap towels and all of our beach towels to sop up the water. It took just under an hour. Thankfully the heavy rain slowed while we were working.  Our washer and dryer were working overtime so that we would have dry towels if the heavy rain returned. 

The basement is dry now and the towels have been cleaned and put away. 

So today I spent a little more time on crafting. The Santa ornament is all stitched and beaded. I finished the hat yesterday.

Next I have to cut the pieces out and put them together.

 I will back this with embroidered felt as I did on the last one.

I have added a bunch of stitches to my grandson's Christmas stocking. I am working on the little boy's pajamas.

I have added several rows to the sleeves for my grandson's hooded jacket.

Finally, my son picked up the birth announcement that is now framed.

I am joining Kathy for some Slow Sunday Stitching. Pop on over to her site to see what other bloggers are stitching. I need to decide what I want to work on today. Maybe a few minutes of each craft.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I’m sorry to hear about the water in your basement. It’s a good thing you were home and checking for leaks. I live Saint’s hat!!! The stocking is coming along nicely. Gail at the Cozy Quilter

  2. I'm sorry you had to deal with some flooding and all that rain! NYC looked really bad. Hope things dry up and the sun comes out! Your Santa ornament is so intricate and pretty! Enjoy your stitching today, Cathie!

  3. Sorry to hear you had a flood... that is stressful! Great job on the birth sampler - so glad it is framed and ready to be enjoyed by all! Love that beading you did! Enjoy your Slow Sunday Stitching!

  4. We’ve seen on our BBC news how much rain has fallen on NY. Glad you didn’t sustain too much damage. Your Santa is looking gorgeous! Sarah. Quilting by the sea

    1. Nothing was truly ruined. The flooding in NYC and parts of Long Island was quite devastating. I really like the Santa ornament.

  5. Sorry about the water leaking into your basement. Love Santa, he is beautiful

  6. Oh dear, flooding in the basement, that's quite a disaster, I do hope the water didn't damage didn't go up your walls. I saw the NY flooding on TV, what a terrible thing seeing all that water flooding the subway railway. Could have been such a disaster with people underground on trains and stations, but I didn't hear if there were any deaths. Your beading is very pretty.

  7. Water in the basement is the worst. Our hot water heater lost its bottom this spring, and oh my, what a mess! Your ornament is cute, and the stocking looks like an heirloom in the making!

  8. I am so sorry to hear about the water getting into the basement. That is a job to clean up; we have been through it before too. I know you was tired after the clean up. Your stitching is looking fabulous. Aah the sweet birth announcement all complete. Have a great week.


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