Thursday, August 29, 2024

Quilt Show

Hubby was kind enough to accompany me to The 2024 Eastern Long Island Quilt Guild Exhibit at the Hallockville Museum Farm last Sunday. I bribed him with lunch out that we never had. He was a good sport and drove the hour there and back.

The Exhibit was in the small main barn building. There were many pretty quilts. This one was my favorite: Fabulous - BOM pattern by Charisma Horton made by Nancy Walker.

This is a temperature quilt: 2022 Temperature Quilt made in 2023, hand appliqued by Kathleen Lake.

I loved the colorful fabrics used in this quilt: "The Tropics" pineapple quilt made by Joy Regula.

Hubby was fascinated by the quilting on this one: "Tabby Road Catnip" design by Tula Pink, made by Lynn Fulshire.

The beautiful fabrics of this quilt don't show as well in this photo. This is "Out of My Comfort Box" made by Joanne Yacko. 

I was fascinated by the fact that this quilter was able to make the blocks look like they were paper cutout snowflakes. It is called "First Snow" made by Donna Daley.

This was the most amusing quilt called: "BIG F'N TEX". It is a collage quilt made by Carol O'Connor. 

"Fairies in My Garden was appliqued with silk thread by Liz Doyle.

It was quite interesting to see so many different styles. There was a quilty yard sale on the grass outside of the building. I picked up a leather thimble, a little bit of fabric for my I-Spy quilts and a kit. There were no vendors at this exhibit. 

As for missing out on lunch, well I thought it would be a bigger exhibit than it was as I have been to this guild's quilt shows in the past, but we only spent about an hour at the show and the sale. When we were done, it was barely noon and neither of us were hungry enough for a restaurant lunch, so Hubby just drove us home after we stopped at a nearby farmstand.  

I hope you enjoyed this little visit.

Thanks for stopping by! 


  1. Always inspiring to go to a quilt show. My husband goes with me sometimes too. Keepers, I’d say! Gail at the cozy quilter

  2. How wonderful. I can't say which is the most beautiful.

  3. Looks like you had a nice day out.
    Lovely quilts .

  4. beautiful quilts!! sometimes it doesn't take as long to go through a quilt show as you would think

  5. what gorgeous quilts! how nice that your husband went along. Mine is quite good at my yarny pursuits but I am impatient in bicycle stores or music stores....


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