Sunday, August 4, 2024


I love to watch both the Summer and Winter Olympics. I happily cheer the athletes from all the nations, though I am partial to those from the USA. Not only are the Olympics fascinating and exciting, but they are the perfect excuse to just sit and stitch while watching TV. That being said, I have been working on my Prairie Schooler Santa mostly when watching. I have almost finished Santa's coat and the quilt. 

I am trying to leave the white parts toward the end of my stitching so they don't get dirty which is why Santa's coat is missing its trim.

I have also finished the front of the Gingerbread Man ornament. 

I usually work on this at the desk in my daughter's old bedroom, but since she and her family have been visiting since Thursday it is currently put away. I will stuff it and add the hanger and back next week after they leave. 

I also took the time to cut out most of the 1 3/4" x 1 3/4" squares to make the snowball blocks for the I-Spy quilt.

 I have 64 more to cut. Then I can happily sit at my sewing machine and make 120 snowball blocks. Why do I tend to choose quilts with small pieces?

There has been no crafting since Thursday due to the family visitors. I am too busy playing with my granddaughter. It will resume once they leave on Monday. 

I am joining Kathy for some Slow Sunday Stitching. Pop on over to her site to see what other bloggers are stitching.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. We have been watching the olympics every day too. Santa has seen a lot of progress this week. Isn’t it fun when we get to spend time with our adult children and their families ? I will send those squares next week for your I spy quilt. Gail at the cozy quilter

  2. Your gingerbread man is adorable!

  3. I used to watch the Olympics a lot now I just watch clips on the computer of it I guess I'm just not as interested in it like I used to be. I do like to see a good gymnastic performance and I like the pummel horse guy and Katie L. for swimming

  4. Your Prairie Schooler Santa looks like the perfect project for the Olympics! Wasn't the pommel horse guy fun to watch? I got a big kick out of him - he was so good and sooo excited. Enjoy your family time - I bet your granddaughter is really growing!

  5. Love the Santa. I find myself cheering for everyone too. Am waiting for tonight's highlights to come on. Happy stitching!

  6. Great progress , I am so slow this year to much going on.
    Hugs June.

  7. I love the little gingerbread man ornament - too sweet!!

  8. So lovely to have family visiting for a while. What a cutie your gingerbread man is.

  9. Cathie: I too would save the white till the end, Ginger Bread man is so cute, I love working with wool felt.
    Oh my lots of small cuts of fabric, looking forward to seeing them sewn together.


  10. Love to support sportsmen and women during Olympics too. And it create a kind of dynamic athmosphere on my stitching too, bringing nice progress! Your gingerbread ornie looks already so cute. xxx

  11. I love your WIP....Very pretty. Love your Gingerbread Finish....this is so cute and so adorable.

    Take Care & Happy Stitching
    Linda K, Buttercup


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