Sunday, August 11, 2024

August Stitch Along

Three weeks have passed and it is again time for a stitch along update. The last time I posted a photo of Three Boats it looked like this: 

I had hoped to finish the page I was working on by the end of July, but a short vacation for Hubby and me as well as watching the Olympics meant that I wasn't working on it. Then I figured I would at least finish the page by this post, but my daughter and her family came for a 5 day visit the first few days of August and well, the Olympics are still going on. This is how Three Boats looks now. 

I have put in a some stitches this week and I am almost done with that page. The bright peach/orange color that I recently stitched goes on to the next page. Rather than have a hard line, I have been stitching into that next page. There are a few scattered stitches still in this page #2, but they will soon be filled in and I will be on to page #8. There are 6 pages across and 4 down. I am working in columns, so I almost have 5 pages completed. 

 This Stitch Along is hosted every three weeks by Avis at Sewing Beside the Sea who kindly sends us the needed posting reminders. 

Grab yourself a cup of coffee or tea and take some time to visit the other bloggers below who are part of this stitch-along. There is a wide variety of stitching projects. These talented stitchers are from all over the world, so please allow for the time differences and check back for each post. 

Avis, ClaireGunChristinaKathyMargaret,


CathieLinda, MaryMargaretCindyHelen

Thanks for stopping by! 


  1. Love the stitching , like you , my life as been so busy ,
    So much to do , at this time of the year .
    Have fun hugs June.

  2. Looking great Cathie! You’ve made progress despite everything else that has been going on. So fun to watch the olympics! Gail at the cozy quilter

  3. I keep thinking you must be finished with that stitching and then you show it again - how big is it?

  4. Every stitch is progress, well done.

  5. I really do admire your patience and dedication to this project. You did well to make so much progress this time.

    1. Being patient is the only way this very long term project will get done. I also spend the time listening to some of my favorite music which is very relaxing.

  6. Could do with some shade from palm trees here at the moment lol.

  7. Great progress, even if life got in the way a bit, hope you had a good time with family.

  8. Love those warm shades of peach. In theme with the hot weather!

  9. That sky has some beautiful color to it, well done, Cathie!

  10. Looks fantastic! I cross stitch but that one would be beyond me! Ha..stay cool inside and stitch.


Thanks for your comments! I love to hear from you.