Sunday, December 3, 2023

First post of December

 I can't believe we are already in December. I have hardly even started my Christmas shopping yet. Hubby and I have started decorating though. The lights and nativity are up outside and my dining room window is mostly done. My Christmas dishes are out and in use. Photos in another post. 

The "Waiting for Santa" stocking is progressing nicely. I added some backstitching to the boy and french knots to the poinsettias on the right. I am steadily stitching the Christmas tree. I think I will try to finish it before I move over to the fireplace behind the boy's head. 

I have added a few more logs to the Log Cabin Star blocks. I am up to one of the logs that needs my concentration. 

You may remember that a friend dropped off some quilt kits, notions and fabrics for me last week. Well she did so again. This time her package included a bunch of books and a bag of beautiful fabrics. The books included one of the few Alex Anderson books that I don't currently own. What a treat. 

The fabrics are mostly shades of red and blue calicos and solids. 

Oh my, it was as if Christmas came early. I am greatly appreciative of this generous stash addition. I am dreaming of some great quilts in my future.

I am joining Kathy for some Slow Sunday Stitching. Make yourself a cup of tea, coffee or even hot chocolate and pop on over to her site to see what other bloggers are stitching.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. We will be decorating this coming week at our house. The Christmas stocking is looking great! Lots of fun details. Gail at the Cozy Quilter.

  2. Love seeing the tree emerge on your sweet stocking design! Good luck with this next step on your log cabin blocks, too. How fun to get those goodies from your friend - books and fabric for new projects are such a treat!


  3. Great progress on the stocking! Looks like you got some nice goodies again. Happy stitching!

  4. What a wonderful Christmas gift from your friend! You are making great progress on the stocking stitch!

  5. It is so fun to see how busy you are and the blessing of books and fabric is AWESOME!!!
    I love your progress on the Christmas stocking from your grandson.. it will be used yearly I am sure and cherished... enjoy your blog break and putting some focus on those crazy log cabins now... take care my friend! Kathi

  6. I am decorated but I still have shopping to do. I hope I can get it done this week, but we shall see.


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