Sunday, November 26, 2023

Last post of November

I hope everyone in the US had a very happy Thanksgiving celebration. Hubby and I had a small celebration with my mother-in-law. 

There was turkey....

 and pumpkin pie. 

We video chatted with each of our children and the grandkids.

I have been steadily adding stitches to "Waiting for Santa". I have finished 2 of the 4 pages of stitching with just a little bit of backstitching needed on one of them. 

I am well on my way to being halfway done with page number 3. I may be able to finish this stocking for Christmas after all. 

I have finished all of the knitting on my grandson's hooded jacket. I need to sew in all the ends, add my label and buy some buttons. 

He is 5 months old and the jacket is 18 month size so it will be a while before he can wear it.

I finished another 10 blocks on the Log Cabin Star quilt. There are now 111 out of 196 Log Cabin blocks completed. I already have a start on the next 10 blocks. I am determined to get this quilt completed next year.

A friend from my PTA days contacted me and asked if I wanted some quilt fabric, kits and patterns gratis. I said sure. Her mother is an avid quilter. This is what she dropped off in a bag on my porch. I am so grateful for their generosity.

You can bet that the top fabric is going to be used in the I-spy quilts I plan on making. There is a beautiful garden quilt kit that I want to try to expand my skills. 

These plastic fabric bolts will be perfect for storing a few smaller pieces of fabric. 

Well, that is all for now.

I will be joining Kathy for some Slow Sunday Stitching. Pop on over to her site to see what other bloggers are stitching.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Lovely family post , so happy you had a good Thanks giving day. Great progress on all your craft work , hugs June.

  2. looks like you had a good holiday and that sweater is sweet

  3. What a lovely treat to get such beautiful stitching things!

  4. That waiting for Santa is so fun to see progress each week. You are doing a great job.

  5. Sounds like a nice low-key Thanksgiving for you, Cathie! Don't you love the video chatting capabilities we have these days so we can see our people when we talk to them? I love seeing your progress on the Christmas stocking - it's such a sweet design. Enjoy your stitching today!

  6. Love your grandsons little jacket. Glad you had a good thanksgiving. Sarah. Quilting by the sea

    1. I am very pleased with the jacket. I hope he gets to use it next year. Thanks for visiting.

  7. Your grandson's hooded jacket is wonderful! It looks so cozy and warm. Even though he's too young to wear it now, he'll grow fast and it will seem like no time till he needs it.
    And from an older post -- All three of your Log Cabin Star layouts on the table are gorgeous! I think no matter the layout it will be a beautiful quilt, but it's always great when we love our choice.

  8. Your stocking is going to be gorgeous. Bigger is always better when it comes to children’s clothing. They outgrow it so fast.

    1. Isn't that the truth. I saved an 18 month sweater for my granddaughter and it is almost too small for her and she is 14 months.

  9. Beautiful jacket for your grandson, and progress on the stocking. Great bag that was dropped off for you!

  10. Sounds like a lovely thanksgiving weekend! Your grandson’s stocking is so cute! I also love his sweater that you made. What a wonderful bag of goodies too. Have a good week!

    1. We did enjoy our Thanksgiving celebrations. The bag of goodies was a wonderful treat.

  11. You little hooded jacket looks great. Lucky you, it's always nice to get some mystery donations, such fun checking them out and seeing what is there.

  12. happy thanksgiving!! We still have our son and his family here until Friday, it's been fun and chaotic :)


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