Sunday, June 2, 2024

Warm Weather

The weather has finally been fairly warm and sunny. The crafting has been going well despite enjoying the weather. I have added a bunch of motifs to the Pumpkin House.

There is a mistake on the counting of the tail of the left squirrel that I only found after adding the vase and the right squirrel. I left it as is, because it would be too much to take out. I had to make a couple of adjustments to the flowers in the vase, but I think it looks just fine. 

I have been working on quilting the fourth Overall Sam. I finished the stitching around Sam and am working on the stitching around the edge now.

I finished adding the last log to 6 more Log Cabin Star blocks.

I think there are 4 more blocks that need the last log and then I have 24 y-seams to sew.  My enthusiasm for working on these has wained again, but I make sure to work on them whenever I do laundry as I am already in the basement.

More of my garden flowers are in bloom. The coral bells.

A few Stella D'Oro lilies. 

The Kousa Dogwood is putting on a show. This is just one branch.

At the beginning of the week I got the baking bug again and made this delicious Blueberry Cake with Toasted Coconut Topping by bake or break. 

We loved it! I will make this again.

I am joining Kathy for some Slow Sunday Stitching. Pop on over to her site to see what other bloggers are stitching.

Thanks for stopping by!



  1. What a lovely blog post , love the stitching , Love the sweet looks so yummy , and your garden looks wonderful ,
    Hugs June.

  2. If you had not told me about the mistake in your cross stitch, I would not have noticed anything amiss. I love how the Pumpkin House project is looking. So cute! Keep going on the log cabin blocks. I can understand how this project might be becoming a bit tedious—so many blocks! I love going out to see what’s blooming in my garden each day. My coral bells are blooming too. The day lily is in bud. Enjoy your day! Gail at the cozy quilter

  3. Your pumpkin house stitching is coming out really nicely. I don't see any kind of mistake or adjustment even after you pointed it out.

  4. The flowers coming out of the vase with the squirrels are really pretty! (Much better than sharing a cup of tea like I thought last week!) Glad you're making good progress on your log cabin blocks - little by little they wiil get done. The blueberry cake sounds yummy - thanks for sharing the recipe!

  5. Love the Pumpkin House. Your garden is looking lovely!

  6. Love those squirrels in your house stitch . So cute . Aaah Overall Sam; he is so handsome. Happy Sunday.

  7. Pumpkin house stitching is amazing! No one would know there is a mistake by just looking at it.

  8. all of your photos remind me of summer! So pretty!!

  9. Cross stitch, hand quilting, piecing and baking, you have p,entry of interests to keep you happy and occupied.


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