Sunday, May 26, 2024

Crafting and flowers

First an update on my usual crafts. I am still steadily adding motifs....pumpkins, leaves and Pumpkin House. 

I have sewn together all of the pieces of the last log of the 24 Log Cabin Star blocks that I am working on. I have added that log to eight of the blocks. 

I quilted around the next Overall Sam, but I have yet to quilt around the block's edge.

 It was too warm to work on this the last few nights. It hadn't been hot enough to put on the central air conditioning, but it is on now.

The following craft is not mine, but a good friend made this baby quilt for a hoped for future grandchild. 

Isn't it adorable. Our sons were school classmates and were at the right reading age when the Harry Potter novels first came out.

I have finally gotten around to planting some flower pots. I am filling fewer this year as we hope to be traveling to CA, Boston and on vacation during the summer and it is a pain to set up a watering system for too many pots. Last year one of the systems didn't work well when we were away for several days and I had to nurse the pots back to health. So here are the pots on our front porch entrance....geraniums do well in this very sunny spot.

The bottom pot is one of two perennial carnations that my mother in law gave me for Mother's Day. They are gorgeous. 

Here are the pots on the back yard deck. These two are all impatiens.

I always look for a plant that will drape prettily out of this tilted pot.

I planted petunias in the raised pots. They will eventually spill over the sides along with the Creeping Jenny when they grow.

 I am not planting any veggies this year. 

Speaking of Mother's Day, I just have to show you the sweatshirt my children and grandchildren gifted me. It arrived a little late, but I love it! It says "Grammy est. 2022". My arm is at a weird angle as I am showing off my grandkid names on the sleeve. 

Last Sunday Hubby and I took a peaceful walk around Belmont Lake. I was pleased that I got a really pretty photo.

I am joining Kathy for some Slow Sunday StitchingSlow Sunday Stitching. Pop on over to her site to see what other bloggers are stitching!

Enjoy the holiday weekend in the USA! 

Thanks for stopping by!



  1. What a cute sweatshirt! Great Mother’s Day gift! The pumpkin house looks good with the leaves and squirrels added. Nice to see that it has warmed up there and your flowers are planted. We have a neighbour who waters our h plants when we go away. Such a pretty addition to your porch and deck. Gail at the cozy quilter

  2. That is a cute sweatshirt, Cathie - the perfect gift! Your pots are looking beautiful, too. The pumpkin house is cute as can be - I love the squirrels! Looks like they are having tea!

  3. It sounds as if summer has arrived if you have turned the air conditioner on to cool things down. The sweatshirt is fabulous; the perfect gift for a grandmother. What a cheery splash of colour those flower pots are. There is more progress on the log cabin quilt and the pumpkin house cross stitch. You are just that little bit closer to finishes.

  4. What a lovely post , Love the stitching the flowers , and your sweater is lovely , enjoy your weekend hugs June .

  5. How lovely to see a photo of you, wearing your special sweatshirt.


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