Saturday, June 29, 2024

Two finishes

What a week this has been. First, we finally got the central A/C for the 2nd floor fixed on Tuesday morning. It turns out that the on/off electrical control switch within the unit was corroded and had blown apart. Thank goodness it didn't go on fire. It was a quick 15 minute fix and all is well now. 

On Wednesday night there was another thing that broke....the water main in the street in front of our next door neighbor's house. A man walking his child in a stroller stopped to inform us that there was a small river of water flowing into the drain in front of our house and coming up through our street. Hubby contacted the local water district and they came immediately to assess the situation. Work started within the hour, but then had to stop due to a hour of thunderstorms coming through. 

Our water was turned off for about 3 hours or so. Work was completed around 11pm. The hole is filled, but the road still has to be repaved. It has collapsed a little around the repair site as of today.

I do have two finishes! Several of you guessed that my crochet project was a little lamb. Isn't it adorable.

It has been given to my friend to pass on to her infant grandson. Those books you see in the background were my own children's board books from 30+ years ago. They are nice to have when the grandkids come to visit.

I also finished Pumpkin House. 

I have ironed it since this photo. I think I will make it into a small pillow.

Hubby and I took a break on Thursday and drove to the North Fork of Long Island to enjoy lunch at a local vineyard - Terre Vite Winery & Vineyard. There was a pretty patio with a great view of the vineyard. 

Hubby had a glass of chardonnay and the Caprese panini. I enjoyed a glass of the Mercato Red Blend and The Figgy panini. 

The weather was beautiful and the food and wine were delicious. 

I have a bunch more flowers in bloom now. My coneflower is putting on a show.

The lavender is in all in bloom with the butterfly bush behind it soon to follow.

The hydrangeas are flowering also. One pink/purple....

and two blue.

I will be joining Kathy for some Slow Sunday Stitching. Pop on over to her site to see what other bloggers are stitching. 

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Oh dear we had the same , some time ago, it's hard with no water.
    I love the Lamb , so sweet and your stitching and flowers are beautiful.
    Thanks for sharing Hugs June.

  2. Beautiful flowers in your garden! Lots of colour! The little lamb is very cute and the Pumpkin house will make a lovely little pillow for fall decorating. Glad that the a/c was fixed before a disaster struck! Sounds like they were quick to fix the water main too. Have a good weekend! Gail at the Cozy quilter

  3. Such incredible flowers who look to be at their peak! Yeah for your gardening skills. And the little lamb is so sweet. Having the before and after photos helps to know how they go together. And the visit at the winery looks wonderful: so many good choices you had of food and wine.

  4. You've had an eventful week! Hope the water and roadwork is completed soon. That lamb is adorable and I know it will be loved by the family! Pumpkin House is delightful - so many fun details. We did something similar the other day - went for a scenic drive and ended up at a local winery - so fun! Beautiful flowers, too!

  5. Beautiful flowers! Great finishes too. The winery sounds like a nice getaway.


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