Sunday, June 16, 2024

Getting there

Hopefully those who read my blog consistently have guessed by the title that I am close to finishing the 196 Log Cabin Star blocks (Judy Martin's Timberline). Currently there are 175 blocks completed. It has been hot, humid and sunny out so of course I have been spending a whole lot of time in my cool basement where my sewing machine is located. I am steadily working on the final 21 blocks. 

I am set up to add the next to last log.

 Of course, once these are done I still have the border blocks to complete. I have yet to look at the number of those that I need, but they are composed of rectangles only. 

I have also made progress on the Pumpkin house. I am working on the top border which is all that is left to do. 

As far as quilting Overall Sam, I have 5 blocks quilted. This is the 6th one that I am currently working on. 

Now that I am "close" to having the Log Cabin blocks completed, I had to cut out some of the fabric for the I-Spy quilts. I think I have fussy cut 15 fabrics for each of the two quilts. That means I have cut 60 squares.

 Aren't those hampsters adorable.

I have also cut the binding, sashing and corner fabric for one quilt. 

There is a whole lot more fabric cutting to complete, but I feel happy that I got started.

Hubby and I took a walk in our local preserve. Although the walk was pretty, it was also very gnatty and the lake was quite smelly. 

We went to Jones Beach one night and enjoyed walking the boardwalk and looking at the pretty sky and ocean.

That is the Jones Beach Water Tower in the background with parts of the Wildplay adventure park in the front of it.

I have a couple of lilies in bloom. 

Not much else is new in the garden. The daylilies are budding. They usually flower around the beginning of July. Our landscapers put down mulch and a lot of my little begonias were ruined. I thought I was doing the right thing this year by planting before the mulch, but I won't do that again. Now I have to go buy some more cell packs and start over. 

I am joining Kathy for some Slow Sunday Stitching. Pop on over to her site to see what other bloggers are stitching. 

Thanks for stopping by!



  1. Yahoo! You will be so happy to put those y seam blocks all into the finished pile! You’ve been busy this week with all of these projects. The pumpkin house is very cute and I spy quilts are so much fun to make. I have made several over the years. Your grandchildren will love them. Hot weather keeps me inside too. Have a great week. Gail at the cozy quilter.

  2. I'm getting excited to seeing all your log cabin blocks nearing to a finish. What a fun I-Spy quilt with all those sweet fabrics. Your quilting on Overall Sam is lovely and Pumpkin House is coming along nicely.

  3. I hate taking a walk at a favorite place only to find the bugs are out in full force

  4. Congratulations on getting so close on your log cabin blocks! I love the pumpkin house design - so many cute details in it. The I Spy quilts look like they will be fun to work on, too. Stay cool!

  5. Pumpkin House and Overall Sam are looking lovely! I wish I lived close to walk along the ocean! My favorite place to be! Happy stitching!

  6. So many wonderful projects on the go... love the quilting on Sam, and that Pumpkin House block is so pretty! Happy Stitching!

  7. jones mother often visited relatives on LI in the 1940s and talked fondly of it....beautiful stitchery....

    1. Thank you. We live around 15 minutes away from Jones Beach.

  8. I wish I could live in the pumpkin house, lol. Love the walk you took and the photos!!

  9. Wow you are busy , lots of lovely work , hugs June.

  10. You have been busy, I love the pumpkin house.

  11. you have so many wonderful talents, everything is beautiful!!

  12. You transported me to my childhood with Jones Beach and the water tower ~ sweet memories :)


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