Sunday, April 28, 2024

April Stitch Along Update 2

I was hoping to show you the finish of the 4th page on this update and I finally finished it on Wednesday. Yay! This is where Three Boats was at the beginning of April.

Here is where I am now. The first column of 6 and the 4th page out of 24 are finally done!


There was a bunch of confetti stitching with several different colors of peach, orange, yellow and lavendar in this sand at the bottom. 

 This Stitch along is hosted every three weeks by Avis at Sewing Beside the Sea who kindly sends us the needed posting reminders. 

Grab yourself a cup of coffee or tea and take some time to visit the other bloggers below who are part of this stitch-along. There is a wide variety of stitching projects. These talented stitchers are from all over the world, so please allow for the time differences and check back for each post.

Avis, ClaireGunChristinaKathyMargaret,


CathieLinda, MaryMargaretCindy

Thanks for stopping by! 


  1. Well done looking great , enjoy your Sunday stitching hugs June.

  2. Another page of stitches finished. You certainly have cause to celebrate. Three Boats is looking fabulous.

  3. I’m happy for you! Congratulations on meeting your April stitching goal for April. You are on a roll with this project. I love seeing your updates on three boats. Gail at the Cozy quilter

  4. That looks like a ton of work! Good for you!

  5. Great progress! The different colours in the sand is very effective.

  6. This is intense stitching, Cathie, and you are doing so well with it. Your stitches are so nice and even. Yes to turning a page!

  7. That is such an amazing project, Cathie! As a relatively new cross-stitcher, the thought of 24 pages boggles my mind. When you are doing the confetti stitching, do you do all of one color before switching to another, or do you have multiple threads going at the same time?

  8. Nice progress Cathie: The colors of the sand maybe would drive me kooky so many color changes, I do like this design.


  9. Cathie, those colors in the sand (as with all of this piece) make it so rich. Spectacular work!

  10. Mini happy dance for you Cathie!

  11. Wow! I´m impressed. All that confetti stitching, well done!

  12. must be a great sense of achievment to know you've finished a new page!

    1. I am happy to have 1/6 of this project complete after a few years. Hopefully the rest will go more quickly.

  13. You're doing well to stick with this project. It's a huge undertaking!

  14. you are chipping away, one stitch at a time :)

  15. Great project ~ yay on finishing this section :)

  16. Well done! It always fascinates me how some colours seem like an odd choice and once you're done and look from far away you can see the shadows and shapes. Really cool and well done on achieving this vertical strip!

    1. I agree. I often wonder why there is a stray green or blue in the middle of the peach, but when you look at it from afar, those colors disappear.


Thanks for your comments! I love to hear from you.