Sunday, September 17, 2023

Progress and a finish

Last weekend we were in Boston celebrating our granddaughter's 1st birthday. It was a week late as she was sick for the original party day. She is well now and is walking all over the place. How fast time flies. 

Since we returned on Sunday, I have been continuing to sort through boxes of my mother's items. I found a treasure trove of WWII vmail sent to my grandmother from her three uncles. I also found a postcard sent to my grandmother by my grandfather when he was chauffering for a family in Saratoga Springs. 

There was also my father's naval log book from WWII. He served on the destroyer USS J William Ditter. 

I don't remember ever seeing these growing up, but my mom saved them. I have his naval medals and his navy hat also. 

When I need a break I craft, of course. I have been making progress on my grandson's Christmas ornament.

I have finished stitching Santa's face. Today I will add some of the beading....or all of it. Then I need to start working on his hat.

I have added some stitching on my grandson's Christmas stocking. Although the floss colors still don't match the photo of the stocking, I am pretty happy with the hair coloring. I don't think this will be finished for this Christmas. It is very dense stitching.

Since the above photo, I have finished the little boy's hair. The process for adding photos to my PC from my iPhone has changed slightly (not for the better) so I did not take an updated photo. 

I have been working on the hooded jacket, also for my grandson. I have finished both fronts and have the back about halfway finished.

I need to buy a coordinating yarn for the sleeves. I thought I would have enough of this unknown yarn as there were three almost full skeins and the pattern calls for 2 skeins, but there must be less than I thought. I should have enough to start the hood, but I will use the coordinating yarn to finish it so that it looks like it was planned. I'm calling it artistic license. 

I have another finish! The binding is on and the Celtic Autumn table topper is washed. 

This looks like a Courthouse Steps block, but it is actually made from four individual blocks. You can zoom in to see them. My mom didn't get all of the seams lined up when she hand stitched this. That's the reason some of the long pieces look bowed. 

Hurricane Lee passed by! Thankfully it stayed out to sea and didn't cause us any problems. Hubby and I drove down to the beach to see the waves. This is Jones Beach State Park. You weren't allowed to walk on the sand. You needed to stay on the boardwalk, but you can see where the sea had already overwashed the beach and left lakes throughout the sand. 

The edge of the beach is way off in the distance. You could see the spray from the waves rolling in. Normally you can't see the breaking waves at all as there is a slight angle down to the ocean.
You can see the waves rolling in here.

I am joining Kathy for some Slow Sunday Stitching. Pop on over to her site to see what other bloggers are up to. 

Thanks for stopping by!



  1. So interesting to find those old letters and postcards. They give amazing insights into the past. I made cross stitch stockings for my daughter and my two nieces -each one took a year to stitch. They are all adults now and still hang them up for Santa every Christmas. Your grandson’s ornament is cute. His sweater will be cozy and ears as well as very stylish! Gail at the Cozy Quilter

  2. Gosh you've been busy! Your stitchings are looking great, I always find it frustrating with cross-stitch that the progress shots don't really seem to reflect the work that went into them!

  3. Your lucky Lee passed you by. We got all the rain and wind here in the Maritimes. I am glad I live inland and on a hill and not on the coast. Have a nice day Lynda Ruth

  4. What wonderful heirloom treasures you have! Some fall fairs here have categories to display these special antiques so others can enjoy seeing them. Enjoy your stitching!

  5. Lovely post which I enjoyed reading very much. You are making steady progress on your slow stitching projects. How interesting that block is made up of 4 blocks...I would not have known that. It is so nice all finished. Such interesting memorabilia from your family...precious keepsakes.

  6. What wonderful family treasures you found. I like the blue knitting you are doing, and look forward to seeing what creative licences you come up with to get it completed.

  7. oh Cathie! So happy you post you blog link on facebook girl! I love seeing your progress... the memorabilia is awesome! What memories from our pasts ... some we knew of ... some we didn't! lol
    I love the ocean waves but they do look pretty aggressive tho... your video was spot on in showing that!
    I love you got to see your grand for her 1st birthday party and enjoy that! I am glad they will each get an ornament each year! Satsuma street has many ornament kits.. I put thick felt on mine with some school glue to finish.. it was GREAT!
    I love your knit project for your grandson. Will be a cute hoodie for him to toddle in :)
    Have a relaxing week ahead esp mentally looking down so much of memory lane can wear a person out inside ya know! xo Kathi

  8. happy birthday boy did that year go fast for me!! Love heirlooms and writings from the past.


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