After stitching away on Three Boats exclusively for a few weeks, I needed a break. So I turned to October Morning. I started teaching my university class this week online and I guess that I am in the Autumn mode despite it still being Summer for a few more weeks. This is where I was the last time I showed this piece.
Sharing my cross-stitch designs and the many other crafts and hobbies that I love: cross-stitch, crocheting, quilting, knitting, crafting, baking and reading.
Sunday, August 30, 2020
Slow Sunday Stitching
Thursday, August 27, 2020
I have been reading like crazy this summer. I recently finished "The Geometry of Sisters" by Luanne Rice.
I almost didn't finish reading this novel, but I am glad I did. I have to admit that it is a little depressing, but it is the story of a broken family with some of its highs and lows. I would recommend it.
Following that book, I decided to read "Stars of Fortune" by Nora Roberts. This is the first book of one of her classic magical romance trilogies.
Oh I just couldn't put this book down. It was fun, full of mythological creatures and introduced the 6 main characters in wonderful ways. There was just enough suspenseful action and romance. Of course, once I finished book one I had to move on to book 2.
This second book was just as good as the first and I finished it in no time. This book followed the second couple of the six characters. There was no let down from the first book. I was worried that I would miss some of the unique attributes of the main characters of the first book, but they were represented well in this book as well. Of course when I was finished I had to move on to book 3 "Island of Glass".
I finished that this morning. Following the interactions of all six main characters and specifically the third couple was so very interesting. It is a Nora Roberts trilogy, so you can be pretty sure of a mostly happy ending and I wasn't disappointed. I hardly put down any of these three books. Needless to say, I didn't get much stitching done these past two weeks.
I just had to share what I have been reading.
Thanks for stopping by!
Sunday, August 23, 2020
SAL Update
I have been working hard on Three Boats. Here is where I was for the last update. I had almost finished Page 1.
I am so pleased with how this is looking!
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
Chocolate chip cookies and fabric. I baked again this past weekend. Sunday was a rainy, cool day. Perfect for baking more Chocolate Chip cookies which are my favorite.
Thank you so much to those of you who gave me recommendations for purchasing fat quarter bundles. The first of my bundles arrived from LolliPop'sFabrics on Saturday.
The second of my bundles arrived from TheRedHenShop on Monday.
I still have one more order on the way. I think I will then have all the fabric I need to make my daughter's quilt. Oh I love getting goodies in the mail!
Thanks for stopping by!
Sunday, August 16, 2020
Page 1 completed!
I could see the light at the end of the tunnel and I just had to go for it. This is where I was the last time that I showed a Three Boats update.
Sunday, August 9, 2020
Almost there
I am almost finished with the first page of Three Boats. Last week I showed you this picture:
I have added a whole lot of confetti stitching this past week to get to here: |
I made mine with peaches. It is so delicious.
I will be making this again.
One of our resident bunnies came close enough to our back yard deck for me to get a few good photos.
I am joining Kathy for some Slow Sunday Stitching. Pop on over to her site to see what other bloggers are stitching. I probably won't be stitching until tomorrow, but you never know.
Please excuse the weird large font in the middle of this post. Blogger was giving me fits when writing it and that particular font was either large or extra small despite my continuously requesting normal. Ugh!
Thanks for stopping by!