Saturday, May 18, 2024

Seeing progress with all of my crafts.

 I found this meme the other day and it certainly explains what May had been like so far here on Long Island.

I am so tired of rainy, cold and windy days. We finally had a 70 degree day yesterday, but it was cloudy most of the day. I did manage to clean the bay window in my dining room. I really haven't been in a window cleaning mood at all this Spring. Longtime readers of this blog will know that this is unusual for me as I used to find cleaning windows so satisfying. Lately they are just a chore that I don't want to do. I would much rather be crafting. 

Speaking of crafting, I am really making progress on the Log Cabin Star blocks. I have added the 11th log to each of the 24 blocks I am currently working on and have chosen the pieces for the final log of each block.

These last two logs are pieced and take a little extra time to sew together and then match the seams. You can see the pieces of the final log above.

I have finished quilting the second Overall Sam block and have moved the hoop to start working on the next one. 

I am steadily adding motifs to the Pumpkin House. 

There are a lot of floss color changes. I am trying to complete as many motifs of one color that I can as I move outward from the house. 

I want to share with you the dessert I made last week for Mother's Day. It is The Pioneer Woman's Strawberry Icebox Cake. Oh my, it was delicious. I only remembered to take a photo as we were about to leave for my MIL's house which is why it is covered in plastic wrap.

I will be making this again for sure.

My bluebells have been in bloom along the side of my house. 

Our indoor prayer plant surprised me this week with two white blooms on it. I don't think it has bloomed since we got it 6 years ago.

My rhododendron are just starting to bloom. I will show them to you next week.
On another decent weather day this week hubby and I took a walk through the local preserve. We were trying to identify the strong floral scent as we walked. Looking up we saw these pretty lavendar flowers.

 I thought they might be a wild lilac, but my research says they are an invasive plant called Chinese wisteria. There were a lot of trees covered in this plant. It was pretty though. 

I will be joining Kathy for some Slow Sunday Stitching. Pop on over to her site to see what other bloggers are stitching. 

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I think every one seems to be getting lots more rain this year.
    My husband sits on the flooding meeting and he was told a few years ago we are going to get lots more rain in the next few years.
    Love your stitching and your sweet looks so yummy.
    Love the garden photos. Hugs June.

  2. You will soon be finished all those log cabin blocks with their challenging y seams! Sam looks great with your hand quilting. I am considering hand quilting a wall hanging that I pieced in 2021…it seems to be nudging me in that direction. Might be a good summer hand stitching project. Your Mother’s Day dessert looks delicious! Gorgeous bluebells in your garden! I hope your weather improves soon. We have had warm and Sunny weather with the odd day of rain. My flowers are all planted. We are repairing our flagstone path this weekend. Not a fun job but it needs to be done. Have a good weekend! Happy crafting. Gail at the cozy quilter.

  3. yes we are having THAT kind of may here in MD as well.....lovely stitching coming along nicely

    1. It has really been a depressing May. Thanks for visiting.

  4. I love wisteria; the fragrance is lovely and yes, they do take over. Funnily enough I cleaned windows in the fernery this morning. I do love the sun shining through gleaming windows. Those log cabins are looking great and the quilting on Overall Sam is so neat and uniform. Hopefully, the weather there warms up soon and decides to hang around for a very long while.

  5. Overall Sam is adorable. The wisteria is ever so pretty! We saw it trained into a tunnel shape when we were in Italy last year.

  6. May is like that in Colorado, too! It's great to see your progress on the different projects - looks like you're getting close on the log cabin blocks. And the added motifs on the pumpkin house are cute as can be! Your strawberry dessert looks yummy. I might have to try that!

  7. Great projects you are working on. Overall Sam is adorable. That icebox cake looks delicious!

  8. Yum, yum, love the look of that dessert.


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