Sunday, May 12, 2024

Happy Mother's Day!

It is Mother's Day today in the US. Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful mothers out there. Yesterday Hubby and I went to a local nursery and he bought me three pretty hanging baskets for my gift. Some petunias,

and verbenia.

The baskets are hanging under my Kousa dogwood tree that will bloom in June. There are two pretty azaleas under the tree also that are all in bloom now.

Since that I had the encroaching evergreens removed from around those two azaleas they bloom much more profusely. I love the two different color flowers of the one on the right.

There is another azalea behind our pool that is blooming nicely also.

This little plant...I forget the name... is also in bloom. It will get bigger and bloom again this summer.

Today will be a quiet day that I will fill with stitching. Later, Hubby and I will bring takeout from a local Italian restaurant to his mom's house for dinner. 

I have been getting a lot of stitching completed this past week. The house of Pumpkin House is done. I am now working on the surrounding motifs.

Friday was a rainy day so I spent all day at my sewing machine. I have 10 logs completed on the next 24 Log Cabin Blocks.

 I should be able to add the last two pieced logs and sew the y-seam on each block this coming week and then I just have 21 more of these blocks to complete.

I have started the quilting on the Overall Sam quilt. I work on it at night while watching PBS or Smithsonian channel shows. 

 I really like how it is looking. I am just using 2 strands of floss 1/4 inch away from each Sam and from the outer edge of each block. There are nine blocks and the first one is almost done.

I am joining Kathy for some Slow Sunday Stitching. Pop on over to her site to see what other bloggers are stitching.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Cathie what a lovely blog , you have been busy .
    I love all your stitching , and beautiful garden .
    Happy Mothers Day , we had ours a few months ago.
    Have a lovely day , hugs June.

  2. Happy Mother’s Day! Your flowers are gorgeous! We bought my husband’s mom a hanging basket for Mother’s Day. She has a place to hang it outside her room at the nursing home. You are zooming right along on the blocks for your daughter’s quilt. The pink flowers are thrifts. We have some in our garden too. Lovely cross stitch and hand quilting. Gail at the cozy quilter

  3. such pretty flowers - I got a couple hanging baskets of plants

  4. Happy Mother's Day, Cathie! Your azaleas are beautiful! Overall Sam is so cute - the quilting looks wonderful. Enjoy your Italian dinner!

  5. Happy Mother's Day. The hanging baskets are a perfect addition to your beautiful garden. I adore Overall Sam! He is too cute!

  6. Happy Mothers Day. Your garden looks beautiful and full of colour. I like how Overall Sam is coming along.

  7. Lovely baskets from your husband, Happy Blessed mothers Day.
    Love the Pumpkin House, and Overall Sam is positively adorable.
    You are so close to the finish on your quilt block.


  8. happy mother's day and love the flowers - so cheerful and it screams spring is here (and summer is close by).


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