Saturday, February 1, 2025

Two January finishes

 How can it be February already?! Didn’t 2025 just start? When I realized how fast this year seems to be passing by already I decided to get my butt in gear and complete a couple of projects this past week. 

First I set to finish knitting Hubby’s hat. The weather is supposed to be frigid again this coming week, so he will have a hat that completely covers his ears. This is the Wasatch Back Country Hat on Ravelry. I've made it a few times now.

Next, I decided to complete the whole cloth pillow that I had quilted. I didn’t think I had enough of any white on white print for the back as fat quarters were just a bit too small. Then, I found two fat quarters that looked to be the same fabric….. at first glance. To tell the truth, few people would realize that they are oh so slightly different. 

I probably could have had more that a 3" overlap of the fabrics on the back, but I thought it would be plenty. It will do.

I’ve been slowly cutting out the colored fabrics for the EPP quilt “Windows into my World “. So far I cut out the pieces for blocks 1 and 2 and have sewn these blocks together.

 I may just continue this way as each block is a different colored fabric except for a few repeats. I’m finding the stitching somewhat easy. I have to be more mindful to pick up only a few strands of the fabric. The pieces of bock 1 were very thin. I’m not sure they are together perfectly, but hopefully I can make the final assembly work. That is a long way off though. 

I finished the fox on the Woodland Babies birth announcement and I’m currently stitching the chipmunk. 

I am joining Kathy for some Slow Sunday Stitching. I am also joining Frederique at the Quilting Patch. Grab yourself a cup of tea, coffee or cocoa and pop on over to their sites to see what other bloggers are stitching. 

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. It's snowing here with temperatures below freezing. The cap you knit for your husband is definitely something I can relate to.

    1. Bitterly cold here this morning, but it is supposed to warm up as the day goes by and rain tonight.

  2. Hi Cathi: Congratulations on finishing the hat and pillow, the pillow is lovely the looks warm. The Baby Sampler is so sweet, I am very interested in seeing the progress on the quilt, it looks like a not so usual shape for quilt blocks.


  3. I'm sure your husband's ears will stay warm with that new hat. Perhaps a button or two would help the back of your pretty pillow stay closed. interesting start to the new quilt. Fun birth announcement --coming along nicely! Gail at the Cozy quilter

  4. Your cushion is gorgeous, what wonderful quilting! And the back is perfect, great to have found some extra fabric to complement it. I love your little EPP pieces, Windows is going to look great in those bright colors. The embroidery is cute, I love seeing it reveal its details and animals, and well done with the knitted hat, so practical while winter is not over! Thank you for sharing your work in progress, and linking up. Hugs

  5. Beautiful finishes! Love the birth announcement.

  6. Woodland babies are gorgeous, the hat will definitely be a great help with all the cold and arctic weather.

  7. Such wonderful projects you are working on! I can't wait to see how that EPP quilt comes together! Thank you for linking up to Slow Sunday Stitching!

  8. You've been busy! The hat says "love you" to your hubby! The woodland birth announcement is adorable!!!

  9. Nice finish on hubbies hat. Those EPP do look fiddly. And your cross stitch is adorable

  10. I must say I love the gorgeous quilt peeking out from behind your lovely whole cloth pillow. Your husband's hat will definitely keep his ears warm. Two fabulous finishes. You've now begun your Windows To The World pretty. The first of many, many EPP pieces. Yes, the trick is to only catch a few threads of fabric as you stitch. What you have done looks great, Cathie. This quilt is going to be amazing!

  11. What a great hat! That pillow tho - that is gorgeous!

  12. Your whole cloth pillow is sure pretty and that background quilt is beautiful! Your husband's hat looks great. Knitters always impress me!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

    1. Thank you so much. Don't be too impressed by my knitting. It is the one craft that I feel least confident with.

  13. The ability to knit a hat is such a great skill to have for our cold climates! Hubby's hat looks perfect. Your pillow finish is so pretty - I love the whole cloth design. The blocks for your EPP quilt are fascinating! I'll enjoy following al8ng as you show us your progress!

  14. I love the contrasting detail of the hat's brim, such an elegant touch!


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