Saturday, February 8, 2025

Slow Snowy Stitching

 We’re expecting a bunch of snow overnight. I would guess that tomorrow will be spent indoors stitching. I love snow days, especially now that we have someone come to clear the snow for us. Hubby just has to clean off his car and we usually have to clear a path from the back door to the gate and the garbage pail. 

I’ve been doing almost exclusively slow hand work lately. The Woodland Babies birth announcement now has its fawn. I just have to finish the backstitching on it. 

I finished another two “blocks” for the Windows into my World quilt. There are 36 "blocks". I am stitching them in number order.

I also cut out the fabric for the next two blocks and glued them to the paper. One of these blocks has very tiny pieces. 

Since I finished Hubby’s hat, my hands have been itching to continue to work with yarn. A friend has been using scraps of yarn to make hats for the homeless. I started looking through my yarn and decided to make an easy hat with yarn that I just don’t like. When you are crocheting or knitting it is very difficult to see where to take the next stitch with this yarn.

I will save the hat for a future donation….unless I like it for myself. I have yet to make myself a hat that I like. I usually just wear ear warmers. 

I am joining Kathy for some Slow Sunday Stitching. I am also joining Frederique at the Quilting Patch. Grab yourself a cup of tea, coffee or cocoa and pop on over to their sites to see what other bloggers are stitching. 

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. The embroidered baby animals are so cute! Love the little bugs too ;) The EPP project is coming along nicely, boy, some pieces are really tiny! Pretty yarn color, it's going to be a lovely hat. Thank you for sharing, stay warm and enjoy your indoors stitching!

  2. A lot of progress on the needlecraft front at your place! Your cross stitch is beautiful! I know just what you mean about Homespun yarn--very splitty!

  3. When is the baby due? That birth announcement is coming along at lightening speed, for a slow project! You are making steady progress on your EPP project too. Stay safe and warm. Gail at the Cozy Quilter

  4. I'm sorry you are still getting so much snow but it is nice to now have someone do most of the snow clearing for you I'm sure. I keep telling myself so sit and knit and I never get to it with all the sewing I do - if I am ever to finish my sweater I must sit aside an evening where I say no quilting but knit instead.

  5. I can see why that yarn might be difficult to work with, but what a glorious color.

    Yes, nothing like a snow storm to use as an excuse to stay in a stitch. Not that we need one.

    1. Now that I am retired, I never need an excuse to spend time stitching.

  6. I have small bits of yarn left from socks that I'd like to make into some kind of neck warmer. I want it to lie flat not curl at the ends like plain knitting though. I need to research it
    LeeAnna at not afraid of color

    1. I have made several knitted infinity cowls that don't seem to curl up.

  7. Your cross stitch is looking lovely! We have had freezing weather alternating with rain. It doesn't snow where I am.

  8. That birth announcement project is looking awesome!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

  9. Love the cross stitch design, but golly - backstitching!!

  10. Hi Cathie: The Birth Sampler is so sweet, congratulations on the progress.
    Looking forward to the finished quilt, you make such lovely quilts.
    What a very kind thing to do for the homeless. I also wear ear covers, very rarely a hat.



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