Sunday, September 15, 2024

And Sew it Continues

 I am still working on stitching together the 14 rows of the Log Cabin Star quilt (Judy Martin's Timberline pattern). I have stitched rows 1-5 together and took the advice of Gail at The Cozy Quilter and decided to stitch the rest of the rows in groups. This group of 4 rows below and another of 5 rows still to be stitched. This past week I stitched together rows 6-9....the center of the quilt.

Oh my, was it a PITA to stitch row 7 to 8. There were so, so many seams to match. There was also a lot of seam ripping and muttering. It took me two days of 2 hour sewing and pinning sessions to get just those two rows together. Not all of the seams are perfect, but most are and the rest are less than 1/16" off, if that much.  Adding row 9 was a breeze yesterday that was accomplished in just one 90 minute session that included pinning, sewing and trimming. Whew!

I have already started the working on the next 5 rows. They should be done this week and then I will stitch the three blocks of rows together. Then it is on to stitching the borders together and add them to the log cabin blocks. I hope to finish this by the end of this month.

I have also been adding stitching to "A Crow's Pick". The pumpkin is done and so is the crow except for his beak and legs. 

I am using DMC floss instead of the charted Weeks Dye Works so the colors are not showing as much contrast in the photo. Next I will stitch the diamonds for the border. This is mostly my nighttime TV watching project. 

I have yet to add another craft project though I really want something else to work on. Preferably something with yarn. Of course I do have the large cross-stitch Three Boats on a Tropical Beach that I continue to add stitches to each day. 

The weather is back to feeling somewhat summer-like this week. Our pool has been closed, but my butterfly bush decided that it wanted to bloom again.

It is so pretty, but it is hidden behind our above ground pool. 

I am joining Kathy for some Slow Sunday Stitching. Make yourself a cup of coffee or tean and pop on over to her site to see what other bloggers are stitching.

Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, September 8, 2024

And Sew it Begins

I have finished assembling each of the 14 rows of the Log Cabin Star quilt (Judy Martin's Timberline pattern). Now begins the arduous task of matching 13 seams for each row added. I have connected 3 rows so far....maybe one or two more by the time this post is published. 

Thankfully the seams are nesting together nicely.

I have added more stitches to Crow's Pick and started a new color.

I worked on this in the car last weekend as we traveled to my daughter's home in Boston. My granddaughter turned 2 this week and her party was last weekend. 

My how the time has flown. 

The following day my mother-in-law celebrated her 91st birthday. We brought dinner and a cake to her house to celebrate.

I am trying to decide on another craft to start or a WIP to pick up. I would like to get my hands working with some yarn again, but I don't know what I want to make. I am just not interested in finishing the sweater that I started many moons ago for myself. I think I want to try a different pattern and yarn. My local yarn shop is closed for a couple of weeks so I will just have to wait a bit. 

I have been reading a bunch. I recently finished "The Sugar Queen" by Sarah Addison Allen, "One True Loves" by Taylor Jenkins Reid and "Summer at Tiffany" by Marjorie Hart. I liked all of these very much. I am currently reading "A Single Thread" by Tracy Chevalier. 

I am joining Kathy for some Slow Sunday Stitching. Pop on over to her site to see what other bloggers are stitching.

Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, September 1, 2024

September Stitch Along Update 1

Three weeks have passed and we are just starting September. It is hard to believe that 2/3 of the year has already passed. I have been steadily working on Artecy's "Three Boats on a Tropical Beach". This is where I was at our last update. 

There have been lots of large swaths of one color stitching so I have made a whole lot of progress. Here is where I am now.

 This page is stitching up fairly quickly.

This Stitch Along is hosted every three weeks by Avis at Sewing Beside the Sea who kindly sends us the needed posting reminders. 

Grab yourself a cup of coffee or tea and take some time to visit the other bloggers below who are part of this stitch-along. There is a wide variety of stitching projects. These talented stitchers are from all over the world, so please allow for the time differences and check back for each post. 

Avis, ClaireGunChristinaKathyMargaret,


CathieLinda, MaryMargaretCindyHelen

Thanks for stopping by!