I have so many great projects that I am currently working on, yet I am seem to be always itching to start something new. It's a dilemma. Right now, crocheting has caught my attention again. I showed you that hat I made last week and I have since made another of the same pattern from various Homespun yarn scraps. It isn't pretty, but it will do for a donation. I have been going down the rabbit hole online looking at crocheted blankets. The last thing this family needs is another crocheted blanket. I think there are currently 8 of them just in my own home as well as an afghan that my mother knitted years ago. I am fascinated lately by granny squares specifically. In order to somewhat scratch the crocheting itch, I have started crocheting this cute little kitty for my future granddaughter.
I have been steadily adding stitches to the Woodland Babies birth announcement. I have had to roll the scroll frame.
I am getting close to adding the animals that are on the top. This too is for my future granddaughter who is due in March. Once all the stitching is done, this will be put aside until her birth. Afterwards I will add her name, birthdate and vital statistics.
I have finished a few more "blocks" for my EPP quilt "Windows into my World". I laid them out on the floor to see what is currently finished.
I am pretty happy with how they look. I really want to start sewing the blocks together into "rows", but the directions recommend a certain order. I will have to wait until I finish at least half of the blocks.
I have another dilemma. I want to get back to sewing on my machine. I was straightening up in my basement and took out a box that I knew had a languishing quilt in it. I had been struggling to match the many seams and put it aside. To my surprise, 6 of the 9 rows are already assembled. I really thought I had only made the blocks. The next three rows are waiting to be sewn together.
I think I will start working on these this week and see if I can manage to get a flimsy done sometime soon. That should scratch the machine itch a little also.
My third dilemma is the desire to lose weight. I have been half-heartedly trying for quite some time. Sadly, I tend to add weight rather than lose it. I know my Hypothyroidism is one factor and my lack of consistent exercise is another. I know how to lose weight. I have done it before. Basically, I don't like to cook, but I do like to bake. When perusing the recipes that I have clipped, I think the baked goods recipes outnumber all the rest easily 2 to 1 or more. On that note, I made one of those clipped recipes this week. Here is a link to the same recipe that I clipped some time ago. Chocolate, cranberry oat bars. They were so easy to make and very delicious.
To be fair I brought 1/2 the bars to a coffee get together with friends and 1/3 of the bars were given to my mother-in-law. That meant that only a few stayed in my house for me to eat. They are not to Hubby's liking which is why they were made when I could give them away.
I will be joining Kathy for some Slow Sunday Stitching and Frederique at the Quilting Patch. Make yourself some tea or coffee and pop on over to their sites to see what other bloggers are stitching.
Thanks for stopping by!