Saturday, January 25, 2025

CA and cold weather pursuits

I mentioned last Sunday that Hubby and I would be home by the time the post was live. I lied. Our 5 day trip turned into 6 due to the weather in NY. We left on Wednesday afternoon and arrived in CA around 8 pm local time. We were supposed to return home on Sunday, but Hubby got a notice on Saturday, that our flight home might be canceled so we rebooked for Monday night's red-eye flight and arrived home Tuesday at 6:30 am. It was nice to have an extra day and a half to visit with our grandson and his parents. 

We went to the San Diego Zoo Safari Park one day.

Our grandson enjoyed walking along with Mom and Dad and seeing all the animals.

 He was most intrigued by the water features and a big "hot air balloon" that was a ride there that he saw in the sky. We saw kangaroos that were relaxing. 

The lion was quite impressive.

There were a bunch of other animals to see on the tram ride. 

Hubby and I really enjoyed the adventure.

On Saturday we walked by the ocean. 

It was our son's birthday, so we also went out to dinner. Our grandson enjoyed trying all the food and was extremely well behaved. 

After enjoying weather in the 50s and 60s in California, we came home to a frigid 14 degrees. Brr! It is a good time to stay inside and craft. I had brought Hubby's hat with me to work on the plane, but I never did. I took it out one day in CA and realized I had made a mistake many rows back. I spent some time "unknitting" while there and finished that when we got home. This is where I am after fixing the mistake and starting to knit again. 

I want to finish this soon as we are supposed to continue having frigid weather. Hubby will need a hat covering his ears when walking to and from his car at the university. Classes start this week. 

Although I stated last week that I had started a bear on the Woodland Babies birth announcement it is actually a baby fox. The fox is almost all stitched now.

I have spent some time this past week cutting all the EPP paper pieces out and now they are all ready to place on fabric and cut out the fabric.

 I started with the fabric for the center "diamond" of each wonky square. I will work on the colored fabrics and the "trapezoid" sides this coming week.

I am joining Kathy for some Slow Sunday Stitching. I am also joining Frederique at the Quilting Patch. Grab yourself a cup of tea, coffee or cocoa and pop on over to their sites to see what other bloggers are stitching. 

Thanks for stopping by!



  1. It looks like you had a fabulous family time all together. I love to see your embroidery, it's coming along nicely. Nice knitted hat too, useful for cold weather! Have fun with the EPP project, that's a lot of pieces!
    Thank you for sharing and linking up at Patchwork & Quilts.

  2. Looks like you had a great time on your visit to see your son and his family. Your stitching and knitting are looking good--it's a pain to have to unstitch knitting! Glad you are back on track. There is a lot of prep for your new quilting project.
    Gail at the cozy quilter

  3. it looks like you had a good time in CA with your family that is always nice! Sorry about the knitting mishap!

  4. The excursion to the San Diego Zoo looked like fun, and lovely and warm. It's strange seeing kangaroos behind fences. They are frequent visitors here. =) Unknitting is a pain but it has to be done, doesn't it. Your EPP quilt looks all ready to go.

  5. Glad you and hubby got to spend wonderful time with your family. What a joy your grandson is. I've never seen EPP started like that. It makes total sense. Can't wait to see those blocks develop. Happy stitching.

  6. When I visited San Diego some years ago we didn't have time to visit the zoo and I really regret that!! Lovely birth announcement cross stitch.

  7. What sweet photos of your son with his little guy - those are priceless, Cathie! We've enjoyed the Safari Park in years past, too. I bet it was hard to come home, especially to frigid temps! That is a sweet fox on the baby announcement project! I'll enjoy seeing how your paper-piecing project goes together.

  8. Little ones love going to the zoo, don't they. Believe it or not, we have been to San Diego zoo, all the way from New Zealand. We were traveling on to London some years ago, and had a stop over there. We thought the zoo was amazing, and I remember queuing up to see a baby panda or two.

  9. I visited the zoo with my family last year. It is 39 here in the morning in Northern California, but getting into the 50's and 60's by afternoon. Love your cross stitch piece!

  10. I am so happy you see your grands and share moments with them!!! Life is good :)

  11. Spending time with grandchildren is the best part of life! I can imagine how wonderful he found the zoo! I like your hat and I'm sorry that there unknitting to do! --TerryK@OnGoingProjects

    1. The hat is now finished. It was worth fixing the mistakes.


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