Saturday, March 22, 2025

Spring is here!

 Well, the calendar may say Spring, but the weather here on Long Island is still mostly cold. It seems like we are always dealing with a wind chill. You could have easily been blown away on Friday. I hope this weekend is somewhat better as my daughter and her family will be here for a 4 day visit. 

I’m still working on the Woodland Babies birth announcement. The squirrel is finished as is the blue flower on the left. I’ve started working on the raccoon. 

I sewed together most of the rows of the Royal Squares quilt. There are still two halves to put together. Then I have to decide whether to add a border or leave it as is and just buy batting, backing and binding fabric. There are very few scraps left from the fabric that I used.

I also sewed a few more EPP “blocks”. I have 25 of the 36 blocks completed.

I can't wait to start putting these blocks together.

Most crafting will be suspended for the next 4 days as needles and toddlers don’t mix well. We will spend time playing. Hubby got up on the storage shelf in our garage and brought down this box of puzzles and toys that I saved. 

I was happy to see that I did, in fact, keep the Hooked on Phonics that I used to teach both of my children to read. 

These items were also in the box. My daughter says that I saved too much, but now there are fun toys for the grandkids at Grammy and Grandpa's house and I don't have to buy more. They also don't have to bring a lot of toys with them. 

We are going to have fun playing with the “new” toys with our granddaughter. 

I will be joining Kathy for some Slow Sunday Stitching and Frederique at the Quilting Patch. Make yourself some tea or coffee and pop on over to their sites to see what other bloggers are stitching. 

Thanks for stopping by! 

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