Sunday, June 23, 2024

This and that

 Last week's blog post was written early in the week as our daughter and granddaughter were visiting from Wednesday to Sunday. There was absolutely no crafting completed during those days. We went to the local park and to the LI Children's Museum. There was a Thomas the Tank Engine room, music room, bubble room, and more. Outside there was even a sand area that our granddaughter enjoyed digging in.

We had a whole lot of fun together the whole week.

This week I have slowly gotten back to crafting. I am still working on Pumpkin House. I have completed part of the top border and am working on filling in the final motifs.

Can you guess what this may be? I have been working on it on and off for several weeks and now just have to assemble it.

I will post what it is when it is completed.

I have now finished quilting six of the nine Overall Sam blocks. I am still looking for a couple of novelty buttons to put in his hands. I have a baseball and a pencil. I wanted a watering can, but all those that I have found have the orientation backwards from what I need. 

You are probably wondering if I have finished the 21 Log Cabin Star blocks. I am happy to say that they are all done.

Now that they are completed, there are still 60 more blocks to be completed for the borders. 


Since I had to refill the bobbin when I finished the last Log Cabin block, I decided to change the thread to black and sew a couple of sample snowball blocks.

I have had this soccer ball fabric for ages. Our school district's colors were red and black and both my kids were on the school soccer teams. I made water bottle covers with this fabric. I think it is perfect for the I-spy quilts. If anyone has any tips on making snowball blocks please leave a comment. I can see these are going to take some time also as they are made with four small black blocks attached to a 3 1/2 in block and then trimmed. I need 120 of them for each I-spy quilt. 

I have been spending a good deal of time at my sewing machine in our basement as our second floor central AC unit stopped working on Thursday and repairs will not be until Tuesday. The basement is nice and cool. Our first floor AC unit is working fine so that is cool also. It is just where the bedrooms are that is quite warm. Thankfully the temps have dropped to the 70s at night and we have scrounged up a box fan and oscillating fan for our bedroom. It also has a ceiling fan so we have been able to sleep decently at night.  It got to 89 degrees here on Friday. We are glad that we aren't having the 90+ temps that most of the Northeast is experiencing. 

My daylilies are blooming.

So is this pretty yellow tiger lily.

Well that is all now for the weekly overview. 

I am joining Kathy for some Slow Sunday Stitching. Pop on over to her site to see what other bloggers are stitching. 

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Sounds like you had lots of fun with your granddaughter! My daughter loved the local children’s museum when she was little. The border blocks for your daughter’s quilt will be easy after all those y-seams! Are the pieces cut out already? I use squares and the stitch and flip method for making snowball blocks. Chain piecing makes it go faster —you have lots of blocks to make! Is your crochet project a sheep??? Pumpkin house is really cute. You’ve been very productive this week! Gail at the cozy quilter.

  2. glad the house has not been too uncomfortable without the A/C

  3. Hi Cathie, so nice to spend time with grandchildren, isn't it. Lovely Pumpkin House with that unique top border. You are almost finished this looks like. And glad you are at this point with your pretty Log Cabins and it sounds like quite a substantial border to come. My Day Lilies are just opening. Everything is taking a beating in my garden as it has been pouring rain the last two days. Happy Stitching and keep cool!

  4. I bet you had fun with your daughter and granddaughter visiting! The pumpkin house is such a neat design with all its little details. That's great that you have the main blocks done for the log cabin quilt, too! I'm wondering if you're making a little lamb. I love the 3-D animals and dolls that you can make with crochet!

  5. It is always wonderful to spend time with grandchildren, my favorite. Our temps have been in the 90's and the past few days 100+. Thankfully my AC is working okay. Hope yours gets fixed quickly.

  6. Oh my, your granddaughter has grown, Cathie. How wonderful to spend such sweet times with her and your daughter. Such special time memories. Is the crochet pretty a wee lamb? Our AC unit is in reverse cycle pelting out lovely hot air. 'Tis freezing here. =)

  7. Another lovely post , looks like you had fun family time .
    Hoping we can get a bit of summer this week .
    So far just the odd sunshine day .
    Have a good week hugs June.

  8. what a bummer about the AC. Loved seeing your projects and how you are loving them. How sweet that you have your family there!

  9. I think you are making a lamb! It's always so nice to have family,y come to stay and get to enjoy the activities with the children.

  10. Loving your log cabin blocks. The pumpkin cross stitch looks wonderful :)


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