
Sunday, March 7, 2021

Some Slow Stitching

I have a few bits of progress to show today. First, I have added several stitches to Three Boats once again. Now you can truly see the outline of the first boat.

I have also made pretty good progress on the secret stitching. I thought I would give you a peek today. It is a little hard to see the white on white stitching, but that is a pretty lily that is emerging.  

I keep this next to me while I work so I can pick it up when I don't have any students to help.

The Diagonal Bobbles Blanket is growing. I add a few rows of crochet on the nights that I stay at mom's house. 

My birthday was at the end of February. Hubby gifted me a wooden stand that I can use to cross-stitch or quilt. I will show it to you once I put it together. My daughter gifted Hubby and I meals from Freshly to make the nights that Hubby teaches his university classes a little easier. My son sent me this gorgeous wind spinner. 

I have been wanting one for quite some time. He and Hubby tried to get me one for Christmas, but the company where they made the purchase never sent the item. Thankfully, the credit card company gave a refund. I can't wait until warmer weather when I can put this in my back yard and enjoy it!

My stitching is my stress reducing lifeline right now. Mom is home, but she keeps saying that everything seems strange to her. She recognizes her home and me, but she keeps saying her mind seems strange. Her cardiologist didn't have much to say except that her heart is strong. She had little idea as to why mom's lungs filled with fluid so quickly when that had never before been a problem. After a telehealth visit with her geriatric physician though, one new diagnosis is dementia that has been exacerbated by the two recent hospitalizations followed by rehab. I am so sad. Mom is barely eating and often refuses to shower or take her medicine unless I am at her house. That makes it difficult for her aide to help her. I can't be at her house all day so she gives the therapists a hard time as well as her aide. Even if I tell her to do something via the telephone, it doesn't always help. My mom has become .......ornery to say the least. I am still sleeping at her house most nights. I am there when she wakes up and then I leave her with the aide. I often visit once during the day to encourage her to eat, shower, etc. and to just visit with her. Often when I go back at night she is ready for bed or already asleep (one reason why I go during the day). She is not interested in anything and mostly sits all day looking at the television. Sigh....

I am joining Kathy for some Slow Sunday Stitching. Pop on over to her site to see what other bloggers are stitching. I hope to work more on my secret stitching today, but there is some baking to be done also. 

Yesterday, I made a big batch of Sausage and Meatballs in Tomato Sauce so that there would be tasty dinners in the freezer for us and my mom. Today, I also plan on baking a couple of Irish Soda Breads. It is that time of year. One will go to my mother-in-law as it is one of her favorites. I will share the other one with my mom. 

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Your WIP is looking lovely.
    Your gifts are wonderful late Birthday wishes to you .
    I am so sorry your Mother has the signs of dementia .
    I looked after my dad for over 2 years it was hard .
    He would get up and go missing , his doctor said it was time he went into a nursing home in the end.
    It is very hard work , you do your best but they need 24 hour care in the end .
    Enjoy your weekend .

  2. Cathie, how sad for you all to be going through this difficult stage of life. So, so very hard for you to see your mom in this state...just horrible. I wonder how you fit in any stitching time with all that you do. Your blanket is looking lovely and the lily is a lovely cross stitch. How fabulous the wind spinner is. Belated birthday wishes to you

  3. Happy belated birthday! Looking after elderly parents with multiple health issues is draining and difficult. Hang in there. You are doing the right thing, spending time with her and making sure she is well taken care of. Sending a hug to you. I can see the boat now! Lovely blanket too.

  4. Love your WIP’s. White on white stitching would drive me crazy, I’m sure! Blessings to you and your mom! ❤️

  5. so sad to hear of your present circumstances...thankful you have handwork for solace...

  6. I'm so sorry you are having such a difficult time with your Mum I have been there and know how hard it is. It's good you have been able to made some progress on your cross stitch under the circumstances and your blanket is coming along so well, it's good we have our crafts to keep us going in stressful times, I hope next week is a better one.

  7. Your WIP stitching is coming along, and your bobble blanket is lovely! So sorry there are continuing problems with your mom. Will continue to keep you both in my prayers!

  8. Happy belated birthday Cathie! It sounds like things are tough at the moment, I feel for you as I've been in a similar situation. Thinking of you.

  9. Hi Cathie: Happy Belated Birthday.
    Your blanket is beautiful, the design is very interesting and the color yarn is beautiful.
    You have put in a load of stitch's on Three Boats, Lily is a beautiful design.
    So sorry about your Mother, I had the same problem with my Mother, I had to tell her no TV unless she took a shower, it worked, she started to listen.
    I hope you are doing well.


  10. I'm so sorry to hear the news about your mom. So very hard. Glad you have hobbies that help reduce the stress. I'm very thankful for them these days, too! Your secret cross-stitch project looks springy and flowery! Love the new spinner - a lovely gift!

  11. I am Sorry about your mom health. I am sure you are doing all you can to be there for her, but please also take care of yourself. Good you have your stitchery, for helping to relax.
    Your blanket is a beauty.
    Hope you have a better week.

  12. So sad when parents health is declining. You are doing your very best for her, but need to take time for yourself, if you can. Hobbies like ours are certainly stress releasing, just doing a little at a time can make you feel so much calmer. Take care.

  13. I am so sorry to read about your Mum, it must be hard for you so please take care of yourself. You have many craft talents that are a delight. The crochet blanket is adorable. Take care.

    1. Thank you so much. I am doing my best to take care of myself.

  14. sending you lots and lots of prayers. I hope solutions unfold for you as you navigate your mom's independence and her overall health and well being. Take care.

  15. Oh the personal memories your post today triggered in me. At least you have an aide for part of the time although I guess it feels like 24/7 to you since it impacts your life even if you aren’t there. Hugs.

  16. You got some very nice gifts for your BD! The afghan has such nice texture. Sorry to hear about your Mother. As I read I fund myself nodding and saying yes. My Dad is 95 and he's been living in an assisted living center for 3 years. They can't get him to shower. The more we encourage him, the worse it seems to get.. It's frustrating for the staff and for us. From my understanding, it's not all that uncommon. He remembers us, but doesn't know what he had to eat, or whom he last talked to etc. Hang in there as best you can.


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