
Sunday, March 24, 2024

Buttermilk, Spring and Slow Sunday Stitching

Although my header photo was up to date last Sunday for the St. Patrick's Day holiday, I forgot to make holiday post. So the buttermilk in the title is my reminder to show you the Irish Soda breads that I made last week. You can find the recipe under the baking tab at top.

 I used up what was left of the buttermilk to make Fluffy and Crisp Buttermilk Waffles from Brown Eyed Baker last Saturday. It was a new recipe for me and they were delicious. The leftovers went in the freezer for future breakfasts. 

We had the obligatory corned beef on Sunday without the cabbage. We are not fans of cooked cabbage. Mashed potatoes and a cucumber salad rounded out the meal.

You can see from my header photo that the embroidered/cross-stitched apron survived a washing without any bleeding. Yay! It is ironed now and put away. 

I am happy to say that my alternative method of joining the pieces of the final two logs of the Log Cabin Star quilt (Judy Martin's Timberline quilt) is working much better than what I was doing previously. 

Don't ask me why it too me so long to try something different. I now have 126 of the 196 of these particular blocks completed and the next 10 started. 

I have added a few stitches to the Pumpkin House. 

The roof is almost done now.

Spring has sprung and my daffodils are in bloom. I'm hoping the rainy days are light so I can enjoy them for a while. I would like some warmer weather also. We've had a few windy days in the 40s this past week. Not warm at all.

I am joining Kathy for some Slow Sunday Stitching. Pop on over to her site to see what other bloggers are stitching.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Lovely Yummy cakes , and beautiful daffodils .
    Enjoy your run up to Easter.

  2. The colder weather these past few days have slowed down the spring flowers. No daffodils blooming in the garden yet. A could have days of warm sunshine and they will burst into bloom. I’m glad your new way of making the blocks is working better for you. I can’t wait to see how the blocks come together in the quilt top. Enjoy your stitching today. Gail at the Cozy Quilter

  3. Great projects and lovely daffodils. The waffles and soda bread look delicious!

  4. Your Irish Soda Bread looks yummy and so do the waffles! Glad you've found a method that works well for those log cabin blocks - that always helps you want to make more. Beautiful daffodils! Enjoy your stitching today!

  5. Those daffodils are a happy sight. Warmer weather must be just around the corner. The Irish Soda bread looks delicious and waffles for breakfast are always delicious. It sounds as if those log cabins are racing along. Fabulous you happened upon an easier method to sew them.

  6. Cathie: I love your header photo, I love Irish soda bread Irish Grandmother used to make it, yummy.
    The quilt blocks are so close to being completed, wow 126, congratulations on your progress, I am wondering if you do your own quilting after they are completed, just curious.
    Love the new start, your daffodils are beautiful.


  7. My daffodils are wilty because of the freezing temps but they are still blooming! (Yay). The crocuses were not very good this year -I might blame them on the deer nibbling.

  8. Hi Cathie, thanks for including the recipe for the Irish Soda bread, yours look delicious. I love cabbage in all its forms probably because my birth surname was Murphy! Yes, your apron in the header is beautiful. I love that you found a way of joining that makes it better for you on that pretty project. Lovely cross stitching progress too. So nice to see your daffodils too!


Thanks for your comments! I love to hear from you.