
Sunday, January 30, 2022

Snow Day!

It was a weekend snow day yesterday. We got about 16 inches of snow and it was very windy all day. We didn't have to clear the deck, the wind did it for us. This is a photo from the morning before the snow really piled up.

The first thing I did was make the filling for Individual Freezer Chicken Pot Pies. Hubby starts teaching for the spring semester at a local university this week and I like to have these pot pies on hand for a hearty dinner. 

While I was waiting for the filling to cool in the fridge, I decided to work on the Log Cabin Star quilt. This is where I was when I started yesterday.
By the end of the afternoon I had added two "logs" on each square. 

You can see that I keep a completed sample block nearby to minimize mistakes. I still seem to be using the seam ripper a lot, because I want to make sure that the blocks are the right measurements with each round. I have one more round of logs for these blocks that I will probably work on today.
I am hoping that I can start making some significant progress on this quilt that will be for my daughter and her husband. Speaking of my daughter, today is her birthday! 

Hubby and I had been thinking of traveling to Boston this weekend to celebrate with her, but a "little" snowstorm interrupted that plan. Wasn't she a cutie on her first day of nursery school many years ago?
This is the latest photo that I have of her. 

She was a bridesmaid in a wedding on New Years Day.

I have been busy adding rows to the Baby Elephant Afghan.

 I will be starting its eyes on the next row. I have 27 more rows to complete before I start the borders.

I have mastered the stem stitch well enough to work on the saying on the apron. 
I am finding the stitching slow going though. I am glad that I left the background cross-stitch for the end. I have something to look forward to working on. Hopefully, I can finish the rest of the saying this week. 

I have also been working on Santa. You can find an update for him in the next blog post. 

I am joining Kathy for some Slow Sunday Stitching. Pop on over to her site to see what other bloggers are stitching. Santa will be getting my attention today.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I heard you were getting lots of snow this weekend. Snow day, sew day! Happy birthday to your lovely daughter. Good idea to have a finished block to help you keep things on track as you make more blocks for your daughter’s quilt.

  2. Those scrappy log cabin blocks do look challenging!
    Love the apron you are stitching!

  3. Enjoy your log cabin making when you have tiime.... you are welcomed to send me a pot pie if your hubby doesn't want 1 for dinner sometime... YUMMY!
    Happy birthday to your daughter... she looks sweet young and as a brides maid too! Happy Stitching stem stitching that is on that apron!

  4. What intriguing log cabin blocks. I just popped over from Slow Sunday Stitching, so this is the first time I've seen them. And I love the saying on the apron. Keep warm, the snow missed us in western NY, but baby it's cold outside.

  5. too bad there is too much snow to keep you from celebrating your daughter's birthday with her - I have been seeing photos of the storm on the news - it was a bad one wasn't it. do you have a recipe for your pot pies - I'm wondering what you use for the "gravy" in your recipe - I have tried different bases and never seem to be satisified

  6. Happy Birthday to your daughter! I hope they are not too snowed in, although Boston sounds pretty bad. The Log Cabin Star blocks are beautiful! I often like to have a sample block sitting close by when I'm working on complicated blocks, too. Stay warm!

  7. Your pot pies look delicious. Happy Birthday to your daughter. That storm has looked terrible. My granddaughter is back in Boston in college right now. I am wondering how a California girl is driving in the snow.

  8. Your daughter looks adorable in her sweet dress and cute shoes, on her first day of nursery school; and beautiful in her bridesmaid outfit. Happy Birthday to her! Gosh, all that snow! Fabulous the wind cleared it all away for you. Certainly not a good idea to drive to Boston. As for your Log Cabin Star Quilt, it is looking great. Good you have a finished block nearby to refer to. It looks very tricky to me. I am thinking I would be using the seam ripper if I was making those blocks. Enjoy those pies; they look hearty and delicious.

  9. Yes, Boston did get a "little" snow this weekend. Sorry it interrupted plans. Happy birthday to her.

    1. Just a little. My daughter and her husband spent much of today digging out.

  10. Premade, homemade chicken pot pies is a great idea. The alum containers are a perfect size. There never is enough meat in the store bought. Your daughter is beautiful in her gorgeous winter brides aid dress. Stay warm.

  11. you got lots of snow! Happy birthday to your daughter!


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