
Sunday, December 6, 2020

SAL Update - Happy Dance!

Since our last update 3 weeks ago, I have finally finished the second of 24 pages.

Here is where I was last time. I had a bunch of confetti stitches ahead of me in that tiny place on the bottom.

Here it is with the second page completed.

And here is where I am as of yesterday. There are just a few more stitches on the tree trunk.

 I had hoped to stitch some more yesterday, but my mom fell in her bathroom on Friday afternoon and is now in the hospital at least until Monday with dehydration and a UTI. I managed to put up my Christmas Village as the visiting hours are limited, but I wasn't up for stitching. 

Thanks so much to Avis at Sewing Beside the Sea for hosting this Stitch Along.

Please take the time to visit the other bloggers below who are part of this stitch-along.

Thanks for stopping by!



  1. So sorry your mom took a tumble... but dehydrated and UTI needed to be caught too! Sorry she is in the hospital dear friend... please add me to your prayer circle for future issues ;)
    I love your Christmas village topper on your blog too... glad your worry energy accomplished something positive while you wait to chat or see her again! Praying for you and your mom!

  2. Hope your mom feels better soon. Sending prayers your way, everything will be OK.

  3. Sorry to hear about your Mom’s fall. Glad she did not break any bones. A UTI and dehydration are easy to deal with in comparison. I hope and pray she is feeling back to her usual self very soon. Your three boats picture looks amazing.

  4. This project that the amount of detail in it amazes me each time I see it. Hugs to your mom.

  5. well done with progress^^ and hope your Mum will be better & back home soon!

  6. hope your mom will be back to normal in no time flat! and glad no broken bones! your stitching is great as always

  7. I'm sorry for your mom..a big hug for her..The cross stitch really helps us relax!

  8. I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. I hope she recuperates quickly! My mom had the same kind of thing happen in September, and it's so worrisome for the kids. Great progress on your cross-stitch, with all those tiny details to work on!

  9. Parents are such a worry when they're unstable on their feet. I hope your Mum is well enough to leave hospital soon. Well done on the stitching too.

  10. So sorry to hear about your mom. Hope she recovers enough to leave the hospital soon! Love seeing your progress on your stitching.

  11. Your stitching is coming on a treat, I was so sorry to hear about your mom I hope she makes a speedy full recovery.

  12. I was sorry to read of your mum's fall. How very worrying for you and yes, you would not feel like stitching at all. I hope she will be home soon and feel better with each day. I love the progress you have made on Three Boats. It is looking gorgeous.

  13. Oh dear. I hope she will be fine and home soon.

  14. Hoping your mom recovers quickly and is home very soon. Happy dance for that finished page, the colors must be so lovely to look at now after all that dark!

  15. congratulations! I love to watch your progress.

  16. Hope you were able to get your Mom home and she will be ok. Your making great progress with this and it looks nice :)

  17. The stitching can wait! Hope your mother is feeling better!

  18. Sorry to hear about your mom! Your stitching will be waiting when you are ready.

  19. Hi Cathie -- sorry to hear about your Mom; hope she is on the mend. I love all the colors in this piece -- great work.

  20. Oh so sorry to hear about your Mum. Its 7 years since I lost my mum but we had to deal with falls etc, usually caused one way or another by UTI. People do not realise how something so simple can cause so many problems in the elderly. I hope she recovers soon, and she is far more important than any stitching Cathie xx


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