
Sunday, July 12, 2020

SAL Update

Can you believe that three weeks have passed since the last update? 
I haven't gotten all that many stitches added because I had visitors for most of that time. First my son came for a week. A few days after he left, my daughter, son-in-law and their pup visited for 10 days. My son-in-law only for 4 days of that time. I spent as much time as possible visiting with them or taking care of Ruby, their dog, while they worked remotely. Oh it was wonderful!.

Okay, that being said, here is where Three Boats was three weeks ago. 

Here is where I am now. I have added more black, brown, dark green and dark blue and.....I have added some pretty blue sky! I have also stitched to the far right of the first page.

Thank you so very much to Avis for hosting this Stitch-Along. Each week bloggers share their progress on a stitching project of their choice. Please visit the bloggers below and see all the wonderful pieces they are working on.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I am thrilled you were able to enjoy family visiting, I am so looking forward to seeing my own family. You certainly have made some great progress.

    1. I hope you see your family soon. It was wonderful to see my family. I miss them so much already.

  2. Family always comes first. Glad you enjoyed.

  3. Thanks for visit on my blog! Good stitching and good

  4. Sounds like you all had some lovely family time. Plenty of stitching too. It's coming along nicely :-)

    1. I definitely enjoyed having my children visit. Now I am getting more stitching done for sure.

  5. It is nice having children visit for sure, glad you got the opportunity!

  6. Looks great Cathie and it sounds like you had a great time seeing your family, it must have been such a treat with everything that's happening at the moment xx

  7. lovely stitching and how great to have had so many visits.

  8. Glad that you were able to spend time with your family! That always beats out stitching in my book. I also like how you have stitched guide-lines down your fabric ... something for me to try with my next cross stitch project!

  9. Great family time for your anniversary! I think getting to the edge of the page would be a definite motivator for me. None of my patterns have ever come in pages, so I may have to rig a way to try that with my next cross stitch.

  10. Time with family is priceless! Congratulations on your anniversary! So sorry you had to miss your celebration trip though. I hope you'll have a chance to try it again - maybe next year. It's fun to see the pretty blue sky start to pop through on your cross-stitch!

  11. I get absolutely nothing done when there is family visiting. I guess it's difficult to focus. I see progress on your project!

  12. Lucky you to spend time with family! I miss mine. Haven't seen my kids since February. We are social distancing. I'll be glad when this virus has moved on.

  13. Cathie: After having to stay away from people it feels good to have visitors.
    You have made great progress, I would be going crazy with all the dark colors, however I am looking forward tom seeing the finished design stitched.


  14. You've done well in spite of all the visitors! And with all that dark thread too. ;-)

  15. It´s coming along great!!!!

  16. So wonderful you were able to spend some time with family and get some good stitchy progress in :)


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