
Sunday, January 20, 2019

Valentines' crafting

I am trying to find crafts that I can work on that I can share with everyone. 
I was looking through my old Crafting Traditions magazines and came across these coasters that I have been wanting to make. I am hoping that I can work on plastic canvas fairly pain free. I have loads of yarn so I only had to purchase the plastic canvas.
It turns out that these coasters are quite small, so took out my graph paper and enlarged the pattern. I may not have enough plastic canvas to make eight coasters now, but I will make as many as I can cut out until I get some more plastic canvas.

I also made some other craft purchases as well. 
I needed two DMC floss colors that my local ACMoore has been out of for a while. I bought a needle minder, a glove to massage my hand (I figured I would try it) and a magnifier so I can work on 28 count linen. I have a project in the works that I keep making mistakes on, because I just can't see the threads. I hope this helps.

I have been adding one or two rows per day to my infinity scarf.
The lace weight yarn makes the progress look even slower, but I am loving the look of this light-weight scarf. I expect I won't get to use it this year, but that's okay.

Yesterday, I busied myself making Individual Chicken Pot Pies that can be frozen from America's Test Kitchen. They were somewhat involved for someone who really would rather bake than cook, but the filling is tasty and they look pretty good if I do say so myself.
Here they are all ready to be wrapped and frozen.
I am trying to find as many different recipes for one or two that can be frozen as my 91 year old mom doesn't really like to cook for herself anymore and therefore doesn't always eat well. These have to go into the oven for over an hour, but really that is all that needs to be done. The recipe makes 6 pies, so this time I am keeping two for Hubby and me, two will go to mom and two will go to my MIL. 

Today I will make a Beef Barley soup that Hubby and I like. I planned all this cooking in anticipation of the predicted snow storm, but thankfully all we will have is a whole lot of rain.

I am joining Kathy for some Slow Sunday Stitching. Pop on over to her site to see what other bloggers are stitching. I will be working on my secret cross-stitching as well as my coasters. 

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. You have been busy! Your scarf is such a pretty shade of blue. The magnifier is a good idea...I have to have my Ott light and my glasses todo cross stitch these days. I also enlarge the pattern to make it easier to see. How is the secret project coming along?

  2. my mother never liked to cook in her final years either and I sometimes brought foot and put in her freezer with instructions on how to make it. I'm sure this is helping your mother.
    I have the glove you show but maybe a different brand and in gray - I have two of them one for each hand for hand quilting and the bonus is it keeps my hands warm when doing that - the room I use mostly seems to be cooler in the evening in the winter.

  3. Good idea to make the pies in one go and share them out .

    Hope your hand feels better soon.

    1. My hand has been feeling much better, but I don't want to do too much and make it hurt again.

  4. your lucky, we are in the middle of the snow storm. I like your pies. Is it a homemade recipe. hugs

    1. Stay safe and warm. The recipe is from America's test kitchen and everything is from scratch except the pie crust....thank goodness (I am awful at making pie crust).

  5. Those little Valentine coasters are adorable! They look like fun to make!

  6. That looks like a wonderful idea for your Mom!
    Enjoy your hand stitching and let us know if you find the glove helpful.

  7. you are so thoughtful to make dinners for your mother and your mil they will love them and you can know they are eating better! Love the cheerful valentine project!

  8. Those pot pies are really good. It is my go to recipe and I'm sure they will be appreciated by both moms.

    1. That is good to know. We haven't tried them yet.

  9. The scarf is looking beautiful and ill be worth all the work when it is finished. The pies look good and such a great make for the freezer and a great gift for your Mum and MIL.

    1. Thank you. I try to complete a row in the morning and one at night.

  10. Hope the new purchased help you with your stitching. I used to try and cook for my 92 year old Dad, but was limited as he only wanted things he could put in the microwave and it probably was safer. Then we found out he wasn't eating things I brought or my SIL, he was buying frozen meals that have little food value and I think it showed, as we all noticed weight loss. He's fallen 3 x in the last couple of years but is so stubborn would do nothing that might help. He now is in a rehab facility to be moved to a skilled nursing facility and we've found an assisted living center. It's simply not safe for him to live alone any longer. Your pies look awesome and good luck with your Mom.

    1. Sorry to hear about your dad. My mom had fallen a few times also, but thankfully recovered each time. I try to get her to work on her balance exercises. She now has an aide come to her house 3 days a week for a few hours. It helps. I have managed to keep Mom eating fairly well.

  11. I used to do plastic canvas!! It was so fun and I love how those coasters look. Your scarf is beautiful and a row at a time is how things get done! I used to bring food several times a week for my in laws while my FIL was sick. I know they appreciated having home cooked meals.

    1. I go back and forth between a whole lot of different crafts. Almost all of my coasters are plastic canvas. I try to make some meals for Mom, but I don't always have the time. Sometimes even Hubby and I are eating something that we can bring in. Thanks for visiting.

  12. Such a cute coasters! So thoughtful of you to make pies and hand out to your mother and MIL. :-)

  13. Hi, could you please tell me what is the month and year of the Crafting Traditions Magazine that has the cute valentine coasters? Thanks so much.


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