
Sunday, January 28, 2018

985 and 37

That is how many stitches and rows I have left.
There are 985 stitches left to stitch on Baker Beach. Yes, I counted.
I have put in a few long sessions recently and made significant progress.

 I've included a close-up of what is left as I just finished stitching a white that is hard to see in the larger view.
A little blue and a bunch of sand is all that is left. I am really motivated to spend more time with it now. Of course, my university course starts up again this week, so I will have less time. Yet, I am only teaching one course this semester  and it is staying lighter later each day so maybe I can get some stitching in on my off late afternoons. 
I also have less than half of the rows left to complete on my cowl.....37 to be exact.
I had to un-knit a row recently when I just couldn't fix a mistake, but I am back on track now. 
Here is a close-up of the lacy pattern. I think you will be able to see it better once it is off the needles and blocked.
I have been spending some time sitting at my computer in my daughter's old room working at her desk. Lately, including now as I write, I have had this view of my neighbor's roof.
I believe this squirrel is building a nest under their solar panels.

 I watch him travel along my fence, up a tree, onto the electric wires and then on the roof. He/she sits on the peak and eats or preens. 
Sometimes he/she has some twigs or grass in its mouth. I really have to go over to my neighbor and tell them about their furry

I am joining Kathy for some Slow Sunday Stitching. I will try to get closer to the finish with Baker Beach. Pop on over to her site to see what other bloggers are stitching. 

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. So close the finish is nigh. A great shot of the squirrel, I wonder if they cause much damage.


  2. Your almost there ,well done on your lovely stitching.
    The squirrel can chews the wires and then a fire can break out , I know someone this happen too.
    I think it would be a good idea to let them know.
    Have a lovely Sunday.

  3. So close to the finish line on both projects! We have lots of squirrels and chipmunks in our yard. They are so cute but can be destructive!

  4. I really do not care for squirrels they are all over the place here, I feel like we have dozens of them, they run across roof, they destroy the bird feeders, just don't care for them!
    Love your stitchery!

  5. Woohoo! You can 'smell' the finish to Baker Beach!

    Squirrels are such cuties, but oh so mischievous!

  6. So close to a finish, I'm going to miss watching your progress on Baker Beach :-)

  7. You are so close to the finish line for this project. It is turning out beautifully.

  8. Hi Cathie: I hope you get to your neighbor soon, that little creature is close to having a baby if they are building a nest now, they will have to find a new place to live and start all over.
    Baker Beach is a beautiful design, I see you are so close to the finish, I bet you are excited.


  9. It has been so fun to watch this one progress over time and so exciting to be so close to a finish!

  10. So close now...have you already decide what will come next?
    Pretty cowl.
    I love nature and your pictures from the squirrel are precious.

  11. You are so close to the finish line with this beautiful piece! You'll be done in no time.

  12. You are so close now. It has been such a great journey.

  13. Keep up your progress to the finish line. When I see an end in sight to a project, It is a lovely piece.


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