
Sunday, October 29, 2017

Slow Sunday Binding

It is a rainy, rainy day here today. Tonight we are expecting near hurricane force winds. I hope the electricity stays on. Super Storm Sandy occurred exactly five years ago today and we were without power for a week. I don't want to ever go through that again. I feel so very bad for the citizens of Puerto Rico who have been without power and clean water for over a month.

That being said, today is perfect weather for hand-sewing the binding onto Matthew's Maze. 
I machine sewed the binding onto the front of the quilt a few weeks ago, but it has been so warm that I haven't wanted to sit and complete the hand-sewing. Today is the day that I start. 
I am almost finished with my Prairie Schooler Santa. I just have to stitch the lettering. 
This would be completed already except for the fact that instead of using green for the stitching that frames it, I initially used the same grey as the lettering. I had to pick that out last night.

Baker Beach got a whole lot of love last weekend. I hope you can see the progress.
I am taking a break from it this week so that I can work on the quilt. 
I had an unexpected day off on Thursday. The check engine light came on when I was driving home from teaching Wednesday night so into the mechanic it went on Thursday. Since I was stuck at home I lit a candle, 
made a cup of tea, put some CDs on and sat at my kitchen table to grade just under 70 Pre-Calculus exams that I had given the night before.

I think some baking is on tap for today also. I bought a bag of McCoun apples with much anticipation. I love how crisp and slightly tart they are. Unfortunately, these are tasteless and somewhat mealy. I am going to make either an apple quick bread or a coffee cake with them. 

I am joining Kathy for some Slow Sunday Stitching. On Monday I will join the Stitchery Link Party at Super Mom - No Cape. Pop on over to these sites to see what other bloggers are stitching.

I also wanted to share this pic of a squirrel enjoying a leftover roll that we put in the back yard.
I love watching the squirrels hold the rolls and nibble on them.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Cathie, I hope we don't lose power either, my generator is in the shop and we have well water, so, no power, no water. I can't imagine what the residents of Puerto Rico are dealing with, it's a nightmare for them.

    I love your quilt, the color combo is fantastic and it's so neat the way the squares look interwove. The PS santa is really sweet, I have yet to do one but it's on my list. YOu are so close to the finish line on Baker Beach! Have a great week, Mary

  2. I hope that the storm won't be too bad and that you'll retain your power and see no damage.

    That is a beautiful quilt to be binding :) Enjoy.

  3. I sure hope your storm will not be like the one from 5 years ago and also that you do not loose your power. Love the Santa stitchery! I hate when I get a bag of apples that have little taste!

  4. Praying that the storm abates and that you remain safe.

  5. Hoping that the power stays on and you get lots of stitching time in today. Your quilt is beautiful! Is it going to live on your bed? Dry here today-no rain or snow. You got lots done on your two cross stitch projects this week.

  6. I just read that this was the anniversary of Sandy. Those winds look nasty there so I hope you keep your power. It looks like you have the perfect project for a blustery day.

  7. Hope the weather doesn't get too bad and the power stays on. That squirrel is too funny. He looks so happy! I have a prairie schooler Santa chart that I have never stitched. Yours is turning out so lovely! I lit a candle yesterday and enjoyed the maple aroma.

  8. Enjoy your binding! Hope you aren't doing it by candle light!

  9. Love the Matthews Maze quilt its just beautiful, the Bakers beach and the santa are looking great

  10. Hoping that the storm does not make you lose power. I know how that is "no fun"!

    Your quilt is really beautiful. Your Santa turned out perfectly and Bakers Beach is so, so close. RJ@stitchingfriendsforever

  11. I hope you kept your power! I remember those days! Ugh. But then, I was always encouraged to see the progress my 3rd graders were making!

    That quilt is stunning - absolutely stunning!

    Love your progress on Baker's Beach - it's lovely! Thank you for sharing!

  12. I love that you got a stay at home day with the check engine light, so much better than being ill. Love your santa stitching, so festive!

  13. Your quilt is gorgeous! Your definitely going to be hand quilting on it for a while.

    Only a few more stitches and your Santa will be done way ahead of Christmas. And yes... I can see the progress on Baker's Beach.

    Hope you got through the storm okay.

    Thanks so much for linking up to last week's Stitchery Link Party and for the link back. Aloha hugs!


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