
Saturday, February 25, 2017

Blog withdrawal

I still haven't been able to figure out how to upload photos to my blog on my iPad. My laptop is supposed to be serviced today, but I doubt that I will have it back before next week. As soon as I do, I have a lot of progress to show you. I have finally started the 8th out of 10 pages on Baker Beach. My scarf has grown and I finally finished frogging Mom's afghan.

Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, February 17, 2017

Trying to blog with an iPad

I'm trying to use my mini iPad to update my blog, because once again my computer is down. I have finally figured out how to get my font, italics and color. I have yet to figure out how to get pictures from my iPad onto the blog. Although I have taken photos with the iPad,  I can't find them when I try to link them. Big sigh.....

Any suggestions would be welcome.

So, I will include older photos which I can link and just give you a quick update. I am so very close to finishing my 7th page on Baker Beach.

I have been steadily working on my shawl also. I am moving on to a really light grey part of the yarn.

I am also once again frogging the afghan my mom is knitting for my daughter. Somehow she mixed up front and back and the last 20 rows are going in the wrong direction. Yet another sigh. 

I hope to be able to provide updated photos sometime next week. I don't expect to get my laptop back before the holiday weekend.

Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Snow day activities

What weather we are having here on Long Island. Yesterday we had a record high temperature for the date and today we have a blizzard! Obviously I had a snow day today. So the big question was what to do with my free time today.
First, I made a pot of Chicken Barley soup. I had a rotisserie chicken carcass in the fridge and some frozen cooked turkey, so I combined a couple of recipes that I found online and came up with a delicious soup.

I straightened my sewing machine table a bit. I started a small new project that I need to buy some bits and pieces for.
I am kicking myself, because I had inherited a boat load of zippers many years ago and gave them away. They weren't colors that I thought I would ever need. Now I could use a few of them as color doesn't matter for my project. Sigh...

I did a little stitching on Baker Beach and tonight I will work on my Feather and Fan shawl. I am also trying to determine which of my crafts is making my right hand hurt. It feels like I might be getting a cyst in my palm. Another sigh....

Hubby and I are waited for the snow to abate a little bit so that we could clear our driveway and sidewalks. It is bitterly cold and windy outside, so we had to take it slow. 
Normally, I don't mind the shoveling, but I am really not looking forward to it today. I will have to get to work tomorrow though, so it must be done. We just shoveled the front walk and our double driveway.
Don't you love the way the sun is shining on the tree behind me?
This is a whole lot of snow!

But a beautiful sunset.
Only one work day and then the weekend.
Thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Shawl progress

Since I finished working on my daughter's infinity scarf (you can see it here), I have been happily knitting my feather and fan shawl. 
I have knitted through the darkest shade of the yarn and am working with a lighter grey again. I have to pay attention and count a lot when I am knitting this shawl or I spend a bunch of time frogging. I really like the way it is looking. I don' t know whether I will get any use out of it this year, but that is okay. I will enjoy it whenever it is finished.

I am joining Ginny for Yarn Along today. What are you knitting/crocheting? What are you reading? Pop on over to her site to see what other bloggers are up to. I am re-reading The Perfume Collector by Kathleen Tessaro. I still had this on my "want to read" list when I went to the library, but I have actually read this book. I have another book that I borrowed, but I decided that I would read this one again. I am enjoying the easy read and I am actually reading it more thoroughly this time. 

Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, February 5, 2017

My first finish of 2017

I have finished my daughter's On the Tracks infinity scarf. I made a small change by adding one extra dc and hdc row each between the open-work rows. When my daughter used mine, she said she would like it slightly wider. 
 I really like this yarn. It is hand-dyed Feza "Artist" extrafine sock weight merino 2004. I would buy this brand again.
I have also been working on Baker Beach. Last week it looked like this. 
I have only added about 100 stitches so far this week, but you can really see the rest of the bridge emerging. I was surprised at how different it looked from last week. I couldn't see the progress when I was working on it.
I will be joining Kathy for some Slow Sunday Stitching today. On Monday I will join the Stitchery Link Party at Super Mom - No Cape. Pop on over to these sites to see what other bloggers are up to. I will be working on Baker Beach once again. I want to be able to show you this finished page by the end of February.

We had our resident bunny visit the other day.
I'm sorry the photo is so blurry, but it was dusk and very cold outside so I took the picture from my kitchen window.
It appears that our flower bed edging will need to be reset in the spring. Once again, it is amazing what photos will reveal to you. 

Thanks for stopping by!