
Sunday, December 18, 2016

Holiday Preparations

I have been neglecting my blog. Then again, I have been neglecting my crafting also. I finally have my holiday preparations almost completed. The tree has its lights and ornaments yet. Our son is flying in this afternoon so maybe we will spend tonight putting the decorations on the tree. It is about time. I thought I would share with you my snowman collection. It is sitting in my front window next to and behind the nativity which faces out our front window.
I never meant to have a collection, but sometimes it just happens.
I decorated those little Christmas trees many years ago. 
The grass that you see out the window was covered in snow just yesterday, but last night's rain washed it all away.

My staircase railing is has its greenery. That was Friday night and Saturday's job. I was home alone Friday night while Hubby was administering his first university exam so I decided to get busy. Those little glass balls take some time to hang each year. 
I also mixed two cookie doughs on cookies baked yet. Chocolate Crinkles and Raspberry Walnut Thumbprints will be baked soon. They are being chilled and then need to be rolled into balls and rolled into toppings.
Most of the gifts are bought. Hubby and I went to a local outlet mall after dinner on Saturday and purchased many of our gifts. We were quite surprised at how empty it was. We got great deals and did not have to stand on a single line. I guess most people just shop online now. I did order several gifts online from companies that I regularly deal with and where I can return in a local store if necessary.

Food shopping will either be today or Tuesday night.  I am not sure we can fit it in today.

 Tomorrow night I will give the final exam for my university class. Of course then I have to grade all of those exams before Christmas as I have to submit the grades to the university just after Christmas. 

Sometime this week, I need to wrap the gifts. Hubby will help with that when he is not grading his second final exam. I am so happy that I only have one to grade this semester.

I took Mom shopping Friday afternoon, so now she has all of the gifts that she wanted to buy. I helped her decorate her tree and put a few decorations around. I wish that I had time to put up all of her decorations, but she likes to try to do it herself. 

I am working on this cowl right now. The yarn was formerly a hat that I made that my daughter disliked....I don't blame her. She liked the soft yarn though so I am giving this a try. The yarn is Lion Brand Homespun and not the easiest to work with. I wonder if she will like this. It won't be a gift, just something for her to have in the cold Boston winter.
Well, I guess I had better get my day started. 

I am joining Kathy for some Slow Sunday Stitching, but I think today will be crocheting for me. Pop on over to her site to see what other bloggers are stitching.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. This is such a busy time of year! Your decorations look great. It's nice that your son will be home in time to decorate the tree. My daughter will not be home until the 22nd. Hope you get some time to crochet today.

  2. Your Christmas décor is lovely. Sounds like you're pacing yourself well. Love that shade of blue that you're crocheting with.
    "have yourself a merry little Chrstmas" ♪♫♫♪♪

  3. That blue yarn is just fantastic! I'm sure it will work up into a lovely cowl.

  4. Everything looks so festive, love the start of the cowl the yarn color is beautiful.

  5. You are blessed with a beautiful home and your Christmas décor is looking stunning. How nice to be able to spend some quality time with your son. Take care.

  6. That is a fantastic collection, and beautiful work on the cowl as well. That yarn colour is gorgeous.

  7. Your snowman collection is sweet. What a fabulous blue colored yarn you are using!

  8. It's lovely that collections "just happen" isn't it? Your little snowmen are so sweet. I really admire the garlands on your bannisters - they look super and well worth the time you must have spent making them. You've reminded me I started knitting a jumper a few weeks ago - it probably won't see light of day until Christmas day, though because I'm to as organised as you and still have lots to do! x

  9. Wow you have a lot on your to-do list! Hope you have time for some stitches!

  10. It's a crazy busy time of the year. I hope you are able to slow down now and enjoy it.

  11. sounds like you are on top of things! I had to stand in some lines this year so maybe you missed the madness? Lovely cowl you have on the needles. I hope the tests are easy to grade (scan tron??) and submitting them is a breeze!

  12. Your Christmas decor is lovely! It sounds like you will get it all done and that your husband is a great helper / partner in that endeavor.

    Have a Very Merry Christmas ! :)

  13. Merry Christmas Cathie: Love your collection so sweet, yes sometimes a little thing does turn into a collection.
    I have a great Husband who likes to help with anything but baking.
    That cowl is beautiful color wow.
    I baked yesterday I am so glad to be doe, chocolate covered graham crackers divinity and Russian Wedding cakes.

    Merry Christmas


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