
Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Leaves on the Roses

See these roses. They finally have leaves.
  This is the extent of my crocheting this week but it is satisfying to have 5 more roses with leaves. Of course there are many more roses that need leaves, but there is no time frame for these so they will get done when I feel like crocheting.

Actually, the only item I need to finish imminently is my quilt. I have finished hand-sewing the binding to one long side and am halfway finished with one short side. When I sit down with it the sewing goes quite quickly.
 I promised to show you my Easter lily when it bloomed.

 I didn't realize when I took the pictures that the lily would blend with the railing. Still it is quite pretty.

I am joining Ginny for Yarn Along again this week. What are you knitting/crocheting? What are you reading? Pop on over to her site to see what other bloggers are up to.

On the reading front. I have finished Knit the Season by Kate Jacobs. Although I loved the book, I have to say that the ending left me flat. I don't know why, but I just wanted it to be more. The ending just sort of happened. I was reading on my Kindle and I really expected another chapter. That is one problem I find with reading on the Kindle. Even though there is a percentage bar on the bottom of the page you never really know when you are nearing the end. Especially with this book as there are knitting patterns and recipes after the story is over. Needless to say, overall I liked the book except for the ending.

Now I am planning on reading Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte.
My daughter bought several classics during a recent Barnes and Noble sale. She recently finished this book and has lent it to me to read. I have always wanted to read it just to say I did, but I am not sure I am looking forward to it. Even the introduction is somewhat daunting. We shall see.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I really do love the roses. The lily is looking beautiful.

  2. Beautiful lily, I've got some growing in a pot in my garden that I look forward to every year because of their gorgeous scent. I've got another pot of pink centred lilies but something has been eating them so I don't think I'll get any flowers from them this year :-(

    I love your rose squares, so pretty

  3. You're rose squares are so pretty. X

  4. Wuthering Heights is my all time number one favorite classic....ever! Love the drama and the angst. Bummer that the ending was flat, I finished a really good book and I'm still mulling over the details. Glad you are crocheting a bit and you know onward and upward!!

  5. And what lovely leaves they are too, Cathie! I am looking forward to seeing your completed quilt - sometimes I really enjoy the hand sewing of the border and other times just can't wait to have it finished - mainly, I think, cause I want to enjoy the finished project! Your lily looks very beautiful and quite majestic against the railings. Happy days,
    love, Joy xo

  6. Pretty pictures, flowers and crochet work! I like the squares with the roses!

  7. Hey Cathie all I can say is I saw the movie...haha! Good luck reading the book it's definitely a classic and one worth saying you read. I read Jane Eyre (the other Bronte sister) a long time ago and it took me a couple of years to get through the beginning but after that I loved it and I have read it in a couple of days since then. I would really love to hear what you think about Withering Heights. The flowers are beautiful.


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